I found my second job after college by searching job listings in the newspaper of the city I wanted to live in! Wow, things have changed a lot since then ~ so I’m sharing what I’m learning as I embark on my own job search:


Websites to look at when you’re job searching:

Facebook Jobs – I had no idea that Facebook had a jobs section . . . until I needed to search for a job! I like it because you can specify location (and how far you’re willing to travel) plus select your Industry and Job type.
Indeed.com – My friend just told me about this website, and apparently I’ve been living under a rock (an employed rock) because I’ve never heard of it!
ZipRecruiter.com – My classmate recommended this website for job searching so I’m going to try it!
LinkedIn – The King (or Queen) of job search websites. I recommend you login to LinkedIn on a regular basis and start networking with those in your field. You never know where your next job lead will come from so it’s good to start expanding your network!

Which FREE online tools help you for your business? I’m always learning so I’d love to learn from you!
