These hot five Kindle eBooks are FREE to download (for a limited time) with the free Kindle application for your computer, smart phone, or iPad. Get them now while they’re free, because the prices will return to normal in a few days. This is a great way to discover new authors! And if you’ve got a NOOK reader, they are all available as free NOOK books (I included the direct links below).
Sorry, no longer free…
Always the Baker, Never the Bride by Sandra D. Bricker
If you like true-life stories, you might like…
Unbillable Hours by Ian Graham
$0.00 to Download (normally $11.99)
also available as a free book download for NOO
**If you like true-life stories, you might like…
En Route: A Paramedic’s Stories of Life, Death, and Everything In Between by Steven “Kelly” Grayson
$0.00 to Download (normally $11.99)
also available as a free NOOK book download
***If you like true-life stories, you might like…
Lives in the Balance by Tilda Shalof
$0.00 to Download (normally $9.99)
also available as a free NOOK book download
If you are job searching, you might like…
Get the Interview Every Time by Brenda Greene
$0.00 to Download (normally $9.99)
also available as a free NOOK book download
What other free Kindle digital books are available? Check out all of the FREE bestselling Kindle ebooks and consider it your digital library where there is never a late fee.
Remember that you can read Kindle books on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, or Windows 7 Phone (you don’t have to own a Kindle). I read them on my iPhone and iPad and love how much more accessible books are for me now (they are always handy).
267 total views , 1 views today
I love that there are free book downloads – I usually never
have the opportunity to read, but with the kindle to pc application
I get that opportunity to read now – and thanks for the freebie’s I
love them……
Nook has Freebie Fridays, too! Thanks for these today :)
Thank you Thank you!!!!!
Thanks for posting! I linked to your post on my blog as
well. I always enjoy finding interesting free downloads for my
I just wanted to say thank you. I have a nook and no one
ever posts freebie books for it. You just made my day! :D
You’re welcome! The trend seems to be that the limited time free eBooks are free as Kindle and Nook books so I’ll keep checking for both!
Most of these are free on the Sony Reader site as well if you use that ereader.