Get a free sample of Emeril’s Original Essence seasoning from B&G; Foods (the manufacturer for Emeril’s products). This is a great sample to try, but they say it may take 8 to 12 weeks before you will receive it in your mailbox.
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thanks 4 the freebies i signed up
thanks 4 the freebies
Without Freebies 4 Mom I would have never tried some of these products. Im finding many things I really like and have used the coupons to purchase. Thanks for this great site . Its fun to try new products.
Thanks for the great freebie!
Oooh, I love cooking and I love samples like this! Thank you!!Lady
Emeril's Essence is worth the wait! We don't have his seasoning where I ma at in Cali, got spoiled with so many choices while living in New Orleans.
Thanks Heather! I'm having so much fun sending for my free samples. I'm unemployed this summer & it sure is keeping me busy and helping my purse at the same time!