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Birds Eye Giveaway

Birds Eye wants to give a $50 American Express gift card and 5 free Birds Eye products (total $65 value) to one lucky reader to inspire you to start a conversation about vegetables with your kids. When you talk about vegetables, it’s more fun to eat them and Birds Eye makes it easy to serve them with their Birds Eye Steamfresh packages and fun kid-friendly recipes to try. Don’t forget you can print Birds Eye coupons.

How To Enter
Fill out the Entry Form on Facebook (it’s easy to fill out, only one entry per person)
Fill out the non-Facebook Entry Form
(this form doesn’t work in the Safari browser so use Chrome, Firefox, or IE)

You can only enter once per person. If you have any problems entering, please email me.

Which vegetables are on your plates?
At our house we have vegetables with every dinner. I stick to simple vegetable dishes because of the time crunch we usually face when preparing dinner (which means straight out of the Birds Eye package). We have fun talking about vegetables at our dinner table by slightly changing their names. Broccoli is called “Broccoli Trees” and Cauliflower is called “White Broccoli Trees” (my kids are confused!).

I try to introduce new vegetables that my kids aren’t as familiar with because I want them to experience new vegetables. I added spinach to a pasta dish last night and my 5-year old asked “What’s that green stuff?” and I replied “It’s Spinach and makes you strong, you should try it!”He then tried it and acted very surprised when he said “Mom – I DO like Spinach, it’s yummy!”so it helps to talk about vegetables and teach our kids why they are healthy choices for their plates.

Read Dr. Wansink’s 10 Tips to help kids discover the Wonder of Vegetables for more ideas on introducing new vegetables and talking about them with your kids.

Print Birds Eye Coupons
It’s free to register at Birds Eye to print money-saving coupons. I just printed two coupons to Save $0.50 on one Steamfresh Chef’s Favorite Variety and two coupons to Save $0.35 on Birds Eye Steamfresh 100% Whole Grain blend. There is also the Birds Eye Voila Fill My Freezer Sweepstakes that you can enter to print a Save $1.75 of Birds Eye Voila coupon.

Birds Eye Coupon CornerDo you want to win this Birds Eye Prize ($65 value)? It’s easy to enter for a chance to win before this giveaway closes on Monday, November 26.

Giveaway Rules and Disclosure
Please read the Official Rules for this giveaway. I did receive compensation from Birds Eye for hosting this giveaway. My opinion is my own and not edited by Birds Eye.GiveawayGood luck and remember that you need to complete the form on Facebook to enter this giveaway. You are encouraged to post comments here, but comments will not be accepted as giveaway entries.Thanks for entering and come back Tuesday, November 27 to find out who won, or visit my Winners section under the “Giveaways” category in the top menu bar.

You’ll find more Giveaways to Enter on my Pinterest board that is updated daily with current giveaways hosted on blogs.

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