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Print two coupons to Save $1.00 on one Contessa World Cuisine Meal found in the frozen section of many grocery stores. Your SmartSource coupons will expire January 10, 2013. I loved the taste of the Contessa World Cuisine Meals I tried and encourage you to try them too! There are an amazing 18 flavors (my favorite is Sesame Chicken). You’ll find them at grocers nationwide including Walmart. If you try these frozen meals, save your proof of purchase seals to turn them in for rewards.
I like that each meal has cooking directions designed to get the best flavor out of the ingredients inside. The sauce is kept separate from the other ingredients so you can adjust the meal to your taste and nutritional needs. You can tell by the taste that they use high-quality ingredients and don’t use MSG, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors.
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I received free samples of Contessa World Cuisine and coupons for sharing this printable coupon, please visit my Disclosure Policy.
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