This special sale has ended! This is a crazy half-off toy sale through AOL at Target for over 800 toys! Go to and look for the red text right above the Target ad that says “Hey AOL! – Get 50% off select toys at Target today“.

Still can’t see that link? Here’s a tip: “If you press cntrl + F It will bring up the find bar where you can look for a word, type in Target and it should take you to the ad.”

And Kayla said: “This code WILL NOT SHOW on mozilla/Firefox. I had to log in to IE to get it. Hope that helps someone!”

Browse the list, you won’t see the actual half-off price until you add something to your cart and checkout. Then you’ll see half of the price deducted at checkout. I like the Play Wonder Play Helmet with Goggles for $4.57 shipped and you get free shipping on it. We actually have this toy and it’s great for pretend play! Thanks goes to Melissa and Krissy for this deal! Please note only some of the toys include free shipping – and it will say “free shipping” in red text below the toy.

Here’s what my order looks like when I checkout:

Items: $9.14
Shipping & Handling: $4.99
Promotion Applied: -$4.57
Free Shipping: -$4.99
Total Before Tax: $4.57

You can thank me later – go finish your toy shopping! And leave a comment to tell us what you find that includes free shipping! Not all toys do – but I was surprised by how many toys I saw with free shipping included in this half-off deal!

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