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When Libby Met the Fairies and Her Whole Life Went Fae  $0.00 (normally $6.99)
by Kristen Mortensen

“Biologist Libby Samson wants only one thing: to rebuild her life after an ugly divorce. So she quits her job and buys an organic farm. Then, one evening, a two-foot tall man stands up out of the shadows and greets her by name. It’s hard enough for Libby to come to terms with the fact that “little folk” exist. But when word of Libby’s experience leaks out onto the Internet, her peaceful farm soon swarms with kooky strangers. The media shows up. Her annoying sister shows up. And her horrified boyfriend thinks she should be on meds. Libby finds one person she can confide in: Dean, her solitary (but sexy) next-door neighbor. But what if trusting Dean is a huge mistake?(image credit: Kristen Mortensen)

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