Make time this weekend to order a free Small 5×7 Photo Book ($9.99 value) with the coupon code TGTFREEBOOK (or $10 off any photo book) from Kodak Gallery and just pay shipping of $1.99 (plus applicable sales tax) for a 5×7 book. Design your 14-page Small 5×7 paperback photo book with your photo on the cover. Thanks goes to Maria for sharing this photo deal. Your total cost will be $1.99 plus applicable sales tax. That’s a total savings of 83% on your purchase. This coupon code can only be used once per account and it’s valid thru Sunday, January 9.
What kind of photo book will you make?
Ongoing Kodak Gallery Deals:
Find the hottest Photo deals at Freebies 4 Mom
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Yeah! I just finished mine. I can’t wait to get it! Thanks!!!