You’ve missed this freebie, but you’ll find all of the Freebies here.
Update: Plus don’t miss this “Buy 1 Get 1 Free Coffee-Mate” coupon for the first 40,000 over at
Request a free full-size Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer on Friday, March 23. There is a limit one coupon per person, and two coupons per household. You should receive your free product coupon within about 2 to 3 weeks. (image credit: Coffee-Mate)
860 total views , 1 views today
I just got one, took along time but finally I got through.
Can you use the buy one get one free with the free coupon from Coffeemate and score 2 free?
Got my 2! freebies4mom rocks!
Got mine, thank you so much for everything you do!
I tried for 45 min and finally got thru…while trying i got every error message and code u could imagine but i just kept refreshing and going back to coffee mates offers page and finally got thru twice for me and my husband. Its not a scam but u have to keep trying.
I was able to print the liquid twice and the powder twice from the same computer. SCORE!
After trying for over half an hour, I finally got in! Thanks
awesome! got ours! thanks!
Finally got thru and so did my husband… Thanks Heather! Without sites like yours we would never know of all the great freebies!!!!!
Whew!!! It took 40 minutes but I got one.
I just got one.
Thanks Heather!
It took 20 internet explorer tabs but I finally got mine.
Got two thanks to you! Love this site :D
Yes Heather, thank you for all your hard work. I got mine @ 9:30.
Thank you, Heather! You truly are amazing! :-) It took awhile to get into the site because of all the traffic, I’m sure. But I was patient and got through. Thanks again!
Thanks for sharing the info with us-Heather,you are the best. I would never hear about these promotions otherwise
So disappointed! For the very first time, I was avail. To try to get this from coffee- mate . It just figures.
Wow…it’s no one’s fault when a site has many people trying to get something free. Try again, I just got mine!
Please stop offering scams like this… Nobody ever gets thru to get the coupons! You should read all the posts on facebook ! Some pretty pissed off people and Freebies 4 Mom are also to blame for posting this crap!!!!
It’s not a scam, it’s a real promotion.
If a site offers a promotion like this and doesn’t allow for the high traffic, then yes, indeed it is a scam- Just to get people to like them on facebook oh… and by the way somebody gets paid for every LIKE- and what a way to get people to LIKE! a free coupon you can’t get. And again shame on Frebbies 4 Mom for your involvement!
I just got two…you should just open up few tabs and refresh them until you get the promotio page…hope that helps
It’s not a scam. I was able to print 2 for the liquid and 2 for the powder. I just waited until just now at 1 PM. I knew that the site would be a mess with everyone trying to get on it. Be a little more patient Mruuspakka.
I didn’t have to “like” anything–I don’t even use Facebook, and I got two coupons in about one minute. Heather and her crew are just passing on information, and they can’t help if 3,000 people try to access the same server at one time. I appreciate the coupons and deals very much from Freebies4mom!
The Coffee-Mate promotion does not require you to use Facebook (and I don’t get paid for anyone to “Like” anything)
You just have to be
patient,I got my coupons !!
I got one and so did another member of the household–as allowed…2 per household. So, it’s not a scam. These promotions always take time and patience because everyone wants one! It’s just a coupon, after all, and when I don’t get through on these promotions, who cares? It doesn’t really change my life! Thanks, Heather, for your work!
I think we crashed the site!
it just so happens that they are having issues with the site the very second that the freebies become available. Awesome.
by the time the site gets up again there will be something that says ‘sorry we’re out of freebies’
your links aren’t working :( i keep getting
“Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to”when i access the cached cpoy i cannot click on the links :(
Their site is down to to high traffic. I have the correct links and they are working on fixing their server problems. Try again later!
I have tried for 5 min. and the page won’t load!!! BOOOO
I can’t there.
I meant I can’t get there
Seems that the site is now down…
“ seems to be experiencing technical difficulties at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you’ll come back soon.
Thank you,COFFEE-MATE®”
Thank you for sharing with us… Love it!