Over for today, but come back Thursday at 11:00 am CT for a new giveaway of full-size Apple Mango Tango Dishwashing Liquid! S
tarting at 11:00 am CT on Tuesday, Gain is sending out free full-size Febreze Air Effects with Gain Original Scent (9.7 oz.) to the first 5,000 who fill out this form! Previously they have given away travel-size Febreze To-Go Fabric Refresher, full-size Febreze with Gain scent candles and full-size Apple Mango Dishwashing Liquid. If you are one of the first 5,000 to complete the form you should receive your free sample within 4 to 6 weeks. Please help us figure out the start time by leaving a comment here or on my Facebook fan page. Please note that the default message is always “Darn it! This giveaway has ended” until it starts again today – then the form will appear until 5,000 people have submitted.
ugh I keep missing it :(
How am I supposed to get a sample if they don’t ask for my address?
Hi from WA state
Hi from Washington state.
I got mine….yippee!!!
Darn it… really wanna be one of the first to get this free sample of febreeze!! All Febreeze products are awesome….want one badly!!
YAY! It says I got it…. althought I have gotten the last 2 but have not yet received any of them in the mail, we will see I guess :)
Thanks, just got my dish soap in the mail today!
Thank You so much. I got mine. Such a wonderful website
2 minutes, really????
Got it!!! Thanks!!! :-)
It says that they are gone already… :( bummer
Got mine! Thanks!
was up at 11am!! got mine and one for my mom and mother in law as well! yeah!!
gone. at least i got mine. only lasted one minute
Got it! Thank you!
Wooo hooo I got it !! Thank-you soo much xoxoxox
The new promotion is up and working just fine as of 11:00 am CST 8/24/10! Thanks for the link!
Thanx for the freebies!
Awesome, I got it!
WooHoo, finally was able to get one of the Gain giveaways today! Thanks for the reminder post!
Get it now! It’s open.
I got one! Said it was on its way!!!
Got it! Thank you!
Great gift. Love free stuff.
Great gift.
I would love to win this
I’m not sure if Gain is treating each giveaway as a separate one or not. If I were you I would still try to enter!
If I already won the dish liquid, can I still get this?
What form ? where is it?
Here is the direct link, the form will not appear until 11:00 am CT and will only be seen until 5,000 request have been submitted (will only last a few minutes).
Your giveaways are awesome, luv it!!! thanks for sharing
Ooops – it would help if I read that it starts at 11am! Sorry. :)
These are already gone, Heather, thanks, though. :)