Some people are logging into Kraft First Taste to find a free product coupon to request by mail under “My Offers”. Not everyone will get them – some will get $ off coupons (I got $1 off). But definitely worth checking! Thanks goes to Charro for leaving a tip on my Facebook fan page!
Find the hottest Freebies by Mail at Freebies 4 Mom
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I received my Kraft Homestyle coupon, but I can’t find the product anywhere in San antonio, TX
I signed up for this site over a month ago and still have not gotten any free offers or anything else from them. :(
Well I did not get mine this time, but I got this offer a couple of months ago.
I logged in and there was an offer avail. to try the Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese Dinner. Sent for my coupon. Thanks for posting this :)
I signed up months ago and still havent gotten one coupon from Kraft:(
No coupon available for me :-(
I received this message after logging in.”Sorry, there are currently no offers available. But please check back again soon!” Bummer :(
I don’t have a “My Offers” option! In the blue box I have an “Offer History” choice. But that’s not the same thing.
I didn’t receive one, but my wife received $1 off coupon.
I was able to buy the Homestyle mac and cheese at Target. We actually had it for dinner tonight and it was really good!
I always seem to get the same message as NW Girl and Colleen….
I also received a free coupon for this product months ago, and have had no luck finding it in any grocery.
I found the homestyle mac & cheese at walmart. yes, i answer the surveys and sometimes the poll questions. i’ve noticed several times freebie sites will say heads up, log into kraft first taste for this free offer, i’ll log on and i’ll get the sorry there is no current offers available now, but then when i keep checking back sometimes a couple days later, it will pop up. they send it out in waves.
thanks I got a free coupon:)
No luck for me, either! I’m curious, does anyone respond to the surveys and polls on the Kraft site? I never do and I wonder if that’s the reason I rarely have any “offers”.
I got a coupon for this product months ago, but can’t find it anywhere. Hopefully everyone else has better luck! :(
ya i get the same as NW Girl. ;o(
I received this message after logging in.”Sorry, there are currently no offers available. But please check back again soon!”