Visit Freebie Friday list at MomAdvice and find out what’s free this week! What FreebiEvent are you taking your kids to on Saturday? Lakeshore Learning Craft, Lowe’s Build and Grow Clinic, Michaels crafts – there are so many free activities! Freebie Friday is a list of the best free samples and upcoming free events. I highlight my favorite new freebies throughout the week, but Freebie Friday is a more complete listing with something for everyone!
I hope you’ll take a chance to browse the MomAdvice blog for great recipes, kids activities, craft ideas, home management ideas, and other wonderful inspiring things. Go enter her giveaway to win maternity clothing from Moody Mamas. Browse the over 140 giveaways you can enter at this week’s An Apron Full of Giveaways. Entering blog giveaways is a great way to win some big freebies, and you’d be surprised that only a small percentage of blog readers actually enter them.
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@Brandy I wonder if you called Lowes corporate or main number if they could mail you the patch? I can only imagine how disappointed your daughter was I know mine would have had a fit for sure.
My husband took our daughter and they got a patch but no free flowers. But he did say it was a little tough to assemble.
I went today and found it was a little tough for some kids…loved the free flowers that they included with it..the clinic we went to had the patches
i went to this today and they did not have any patches for this clinic. my little girl was pretty disappointed. did this happen to anyone else?