Are you having any problems viewing all of the content with this slightly wider layout? Please email me if you are having any problems. I’ll be adjusting the width based on the feedback I receive.
I also wanted to encourage you to give me some feedback on the types of coupons and freebies that I’ve been bringing to you. I welcome your suggestions on how can better serve you. Please email me and I will try to make further improvements. Thanks!
Thanks for the comments, I’ll be working on some improvements!
When I look at the actual blog, there is just a bit of margin on the right side. I usually read your blog on Bloglines, and I do have to scroll over to read your posts there.
I have the tiniest bit still hanging off the right side but it’s mostly “margin” and not content.
Thanks for the comments! I initially made it really wide – but then heard from a reader who had to scroll over to read a post. Now I’ve made it just slightly wider. If I don’t hear about any problems with this width, I might take it a bit wider yet!
Looks good to me! I also have a wide monitor.
I like the wider.Hugs,Melinda
Works for me! I use a 17″ LCD monitor, and the resolution is preset on mine. Looks good!