*Expired* đŸ±Free Mystery eBook: A Purrfect Gnomeful ($4.99 value)

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Enjoy this free mystery eBook (normally $4.99) by Nic Saint only for a limited time. Scroll down and click on the button for your preferred eBook format. Read it from your phone, tablet or computer using free apps. Make sure the purchase price is still $0.00 because it could change at any time!

A Purrfect Gnomeful (The Mysteries of Max, Book 24) $0.00

by Nic Saint

“Oh Gnomeo, Gnomeo, wherefore art thou, Gnomeo?

If you really want to know who did it, I can now reveal that it was the mice. They raided the fridge and stole all of my food. Oh, you were wondering about the murders? Well, that’s a different story. It took me a long time to crack that particular case, preoccupied as I was about the family of mice that had turned my house into a mouse-sty. So when Odelia’s boss was accused, not of one but two murders, I ended up playing catch-up from the very start.

As far as I could make out it had something to do with gnomes. Garden gnomes. Gnomes were at the heart of the murder case, but also at the heart of a second mystery: someone was going around Hampton Cove stealing gnomes from unsuspecting citizens’ gardens. Tex Poole had been hit, and so had many other gnome aficionados. Which is when Gran decided to launch our town’s first-ever neighborhood watch, along with her best friend Scarlett Canyon.

You’re confused? Well, so was I. But here’s the good news: if you read my latest chronicles everything will become purr-fectly clear. You’ll find out what happened with the mice. You’ll discover who was behind those gnome thefts, and you’ll get a front-row seat to the stakeout we engaged in as official members of Gran’s neighborhood watch. And while we’re at it, I might as well reveal the identity of the person spreading murder and mayhem in our lovely little town.“

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By |2022-12-26T06:38:36-06:00December 22, 2022 9:02 pm|Categories: Expired|0 Comments

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