Add points to your account at Kellogg’s® Family Rewards (or click the red link below to take a quiz) with this new code thanks to Yimmy. Be sure you login first, then click on the quiz link below. Also be sure to spend your points before the end of the year because Kellogg’s is unveiling a new rewards system in 2022 and your points will expire!
MAKINADIFFERENCE (100 points, new 12/1/21, expires 12/15/21)
Did you enter these codes already?
FROOTLOOPSFOREVA (100 points, new 10/12/21, expiration unknown)
LUNCHBOXOFFLAVOR (100 points, new 9/6/21, expires 12/31/21)
FOODINTERESTSYOU (100 points, new 6/7/21, expiration unknown)
Have you taken these quizzes?
Thanksgiving Quiz (500 points, new 11/19/21, expires 12/15/21)
Snack II Personality Quiz (500 points, new 10/14/21, expires 12/31/21)
Snack Personality Quiz (500 points, new 10/7/21, expires 12/31/21)
KFR Rewards Quiz (100 points, new 8/29/21, expiration unknown)
Treats Quiz (500 points, new 8/19/21, expires 12/31/21)
Cereal Quiz (500 points, new 7/11/21, expiration unknown)
Rewards Quiz (100 points, new 6/28/21, expiration unknown)
Snack Occassions Quiz (500 points, new 5/15/21, expiration unknown)
Don’t miss their awesome promotion to get up to 10 free children’s books (free shipping included)
Enter the shareable codes to earn coupons, sweepstakes entries, and other free rewards. Also, watch for free rewards for members (no points required) in their email newsletter. Please be aware that you can lose all of your points if your account is inactive for 90 consecutive days (scroll down to E. Inactive Accounts for the details
Don’t miss any Kellogg’s codes, subscribe to Freebies 4 Mom and I’ll email you freebies
If you find a code above that has expired, please email me or leave a comment so I can update this list!
Which rewards are your favorites at Kellogg’s Family Rewards?
MAKI-NADI-FFER-ENCE for 100 points!
Expires 12/15/21.
Super – thanks for the new code!
Emails are going out for a new Thanksgiving quiz for 500 points:
Expires 12/10/2021
Reminder: Make sure to use all your points before the end of the year as Kellogg is moving to another rewards system for 2022!
Many thanks!
Another new email going out for a 500 points quiz:
Expires 12/31/21!
Got it posted!
Emails are going out for Kellogg’s latest snack quiz:
500 points awarded within 72 hours!
Posting soon – thanks!
LUNC-HBOX-OFFL-AVOR for 100 points!
Expires 12/31/2021
Great to hear from you – thanks for the new code!
New survey for 500 points!
Expires 12/31/2021
Super cool – thanks Yimmy!
Another poll for 100 bonus points!
Complete poll and redeem code by 12/31/21. Points may take some time to be added to your account once you complete the poll.
And if you want to skip the poll entirely, just use code FOOD-INTE-REST-SYOU.
Emails are going out with a new quiz: WHEN’S THE RIGHT TIME FOR BITES? for 500 points!
Upon completion of quiz, points will be added to your KFR member account within 72 hours.
This should be the link for the new quiz (login required). :)
Got it posted – thank you!
2021-NEWY-EARN-EWME for 100 points!
Expires 02/08/2021
Woo hoo! Happy New Year, Yimmy!
Shortcut code to the 2020 Favorite Holiday Recipe Poll:
FAVO-RITE-KFRT-REAT for 100 points
Expires 12/31/2020.
Where is or how do you get more codes other than on here thank tou
I post all of the shareable codes available for Kelloggs Family Rewards. I don’t think there are any other codes available (they don’t issue them that often).
100 points, Expires 12/14
for 100 points
for 100 points
Super to get a new code, thanks Suzanne!
KEEP-GOIN-GDAY-NUM2 for 100 points
DAY1-SOMU-CHKF-RFUN for 100 points!
Expiration date unknown at this time.
The above code is good until 11/16/2020.
Thanks for the expiration date!
Is this the code for the Epic Eating Poll?
You’re right it is, and I just noticed you already posted the Epic Eating Poll link. :)
JUMB-OSNA-XARE-GOOD for 100 points!
Expires 10/05/2020
Super cool – thanks for sharing!
The End of Summer Code is the same code as the end of summer fun poll quiz fyi :) Thanks for these coeds!
FOUR-THOF-JULY-WKFR for 100 points!
This one will expire on 07/16/20.
Have a wonderful 4th everyone!
You made my day – thanks again, Yimmy!
DEAR-OLDD-ADDA-YKFR for 100 points!
Expiration Date Unknown.
STAR-TSUM-MERS-WKFR for 100 points!
Expiration date unknown.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!
Thanks Yimmy – got it posted!
ENDO-FYEA-RSUM-MARY for 100 points!
Unfortunately, the email didn’t specify a deadline though it probably has one.
expired now. :(
Appreciate the update, Wendy!
I haven’t been able to sign in for weeks now. I tried changing my password as suggested and still no luck. Anyone else having issues?
No issues here
Hey Dawn, I was having issues for awhile too. I had to at one point login using a private browsing session, and now I have to use a different browser all together. That may work for you.
This code expired. :(
URFA-VORI-TERE-CIPE for 100 points!
Expires 01/20/2020.
Thanks Yimmy!
Thank you, Yimmy!
Thank you!
TURK-EYDA-YWIT-HKFR for 100 points!
Expires 12/02/2019.
Thanks for the new code, Yimmy
KFRPOINTSAPLENTY for 100 points!
Expires 12/09/19
100 point code REWARDS4UFROMKFR expires 11/29/19.
Thanks for the expiration date!
FUNA-NDFR-IGHT-SKFR for 100 KFR points, expires 11/4/19
Thanks for the new code, Mike!
SNAP-SONU-SKFR-QUIZ for 400 points!
Appreciate the new code, Yimmy!
Thank you for sharing this code!!!
LABO-RDAY-PTS4-UKFR for 100 points!
Expires 09/03/2019.
HAPP-YKFR-LABO-RDAY for 100 bonus points!
Expires 09/03/19
SAVE-THIS-JULY-4KFR for 100 points!
Expires 07/08/19.
Thanks again, Yimmy!
SAVE-MORE-4KFR-DADS for 100 points!
Expires 6/24/2019
Thanks Mike!
This bonus isn’t a code, but if everyone looks out for an email from Kellogg’s you might find a link to a quiz for 500 points.
I’m not sure, but you might be able to access the quiz just by logging into your Kellogg’s Family Rewards account but don’t quote me on that.
Thanks Yimmy! I will try that!
2GET-GRIL-LING-2KFR for 100 points!
Expires 06/10/2019.
Thanks so much – love that you’re making sure I get all the new codes!
NEW 100 point KFR CODE, expires 6/10/2019: 2-GET_GRIL-LING-2KFR
Thanks Mike!
HAPP-YMOM-DAY2-UKFR for 100 points!
Expires 05/20/2019.
Thanks so much, Yimmy!
HAPPYKFREASTER2U for 100 points!
Expires 05/08/2019. Happy Easter everyone!
posted 4/16
good thru 5/8
100 points!
happykfreaster2u 100 pts expires 5/8/19
New code 2/12/19 exp. 2/25/19
100 Points*
A new year and new points!
FUEL-YOUR-NEWU-YEAR for 100 points!
Expires 01/21/2019.
Well, it’s been a long time coming, but here’s another code for 50 points!
Expires 11/26/2018. Have a very happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I don’t believe it – I was totally convinced they were just not going to issue any more codes. Thanks Yimmy!
getk-frpo-ints-4dad = 50 points
MOMS-DAYB-ONUS-4YOU for 50 points!
Expires 05/21/18.
SPRI-NGIS-HERE-PNTS for 100 points!
Expires 04/15/2018
Thanks again Yimmy!
LUCK-YKFR-BONU-SPTS (Exp 03/23/18) 50 points
EARLY SPRING BONUS code not working. Got the message; Error message unknown
Please try entering this code tomorrow – I think they are having problems with their website today!
EARL-YSPR-INGB-ONUS for 100 points!
Expires 03/11/2018.
Thanks Yimmy …worked for me! I’m now up to 27,044 points! :-D
Have a blessed day! O:-)
Not working. I get a message “Error message unknown”
Be sure to click the chat button on their site and tell them about the error. I got the same error, and when I told them about it, they went ahead and credited me the 100 points. I was told they know about this issue and are working on a fix.
Thanks for the tip and confirming that their website is having a problem today!
Not working for me, either
Please try entering this code tomorrow – I think they are having problems with their website today!
Hello, just wanted to update for you that of the current 4 codes you listed above, the only one that is NOT expired is the FEBRUARYPOINTS4U
Thanks Cassie!
Thanks for the codes! Just as a heads up…the YOURKFRVALENTINE code has expired.
THANK YOU HEATHER (FREEBIES4MOM) ….all 3 codes still worked for me just now:
BEOURVALENTINE50 (50 points, new 2/14, expiration 2/20)
FEBRUARYPOINTS4U (100 points, new 2/13, expiration unknown)
YOURKFRVALENTINE (50 points, new 2/12, expiration unknown)
Just curious …are ANY of these from the “scrabble” word that was emailed & has to be deciphered to get a code? If so, I won’t try to fill it out. If not, then I’ll try & post if it still works.
Thanks again. Have a blessed day!
~ Deb ~
Madison, AL
BEOURVALENTINE 50 is only 50 points, not 100
I appreciate the correction, April!
BEOU-RVAL-ENTI-NE50 (Exp. 2/20/18)
50 points, found it on Facebook
Just posted – thanks Dawn!
Ha ha, thanks Dawn, saw this after I just spent too long doing the crossword puzzle that is what reveals it when complete. :)
If anyone wants to do the puzzle for fun, here is the link:
100 points for February Bonus Points
HOWITWORKS20PNTS – 20 points
Expiration dates are unknown but as of today they all work.
this 3 codes worked for me as of 04/2/18 thanks
Worked for me today
All three worked today: 05/1/52018
All 3 codes worked for me today 5/15/2018 :) Thanks!
Expiration dates are unknown but as of today they all work. These all worked on 12/23/18
Your KFR Valentine worth 50 points. Monday 2/12/2018
Posting now – thanks!
Thank you!!!
SNOWBALLOFPOINTS = 100 points – (added 2/5/18) Expires 2/11/18
Posting now – thank you!
WINTERTIMEKFRPTS (100 points, Expires February 4)
Thanks for the new code, Teresa!
JANU-ARYP-OINT-SKFR for 100 points!
Expires 01/21/2018.
Thanks again, Yimmy!
HAPP-Y201-8KFR-PNTS for 100 points!
Expires 01/07/2018.
HAPP-Y201-8KFR-PNTS (Exp. 1/7/18)
HAPPY2018KFRPNTS – 100 points
Nothing happened with the code:
Celebrate with KFR
It did work today. Thanks.
REDA-NDGR-EENK-FRPT for 100 points!
Expires 12/31/2017.
Thank you! O:-)
KFRHAPPYHOLIDAYS expired, and a new 50 points one: THEHOLIDAYSRHERE
HOLI-DAYS-25PT-SKFR for 100 points!
Expires 12/24/17.
Thanks again, Yimmy!
MAKE-MERR-YWIT-HKFR (25 bonus points – expires 12/31/17)!
I received this in an email today where they ask you a “poll question” and it gives you this bonus for taking the poll.
Enjoy! O:-) < ~~~
~ Deb ~
HOHO-HOLI-DAYB-ONUS 25 Points Expires 12/24
JOYF-ULPO-INTS-4YOU for 100 points!
Expires 12/17/2017.
Thanks Yimmy …I’ve been getting the other holiday codes periodically, but didn’t get this one! Have a blessed Christmas & Happy New Year!
~ Deb ~
Thanks E – I will post that 25 point code now!
25 points
That was for 100 points (sorry :/ )
THAN-KFUL-FORY-OUPT (Expires 11/29/17)
Thank you, Angie P.! O:-)
SEAS-ONAL-POIN-TS4U for 100 points!
Expires 11/26/2017
Thank you! O:-)
The Halloween codes expired on 11/7
All expired except harvest of kfr pnts.
Thank you Jen!
WATCH4FALLCOLORS – 100 points – Expires 10/8
FALL-BONU-SPTS-4YOU for 100 points!
Expires 10/01/17.
BYEBYESUMMER2017 says expired for me
Same here oh and hi mommy :D
Thanks for the new code Megs!
Thanks for the codes, got 90 pts. today!
Woo hoo! You’re welcome!
ENJOYLABORDAYPTS 100 points Posted 9/5, Expires 9/10
Thanks for the new code, Angie!
You’re welcome! :)
Hi Heather …just curious where you’re getting your Kellogg’s codes from? I used to get them in emails, but don’t get them any longer. I still get emails with their recipes & coupons, but no codes. Well, I say that, as I did get one today for having been with them 5 years. I got a 500 bonus, as a 5-yr anniversary. Otherwise, I no longer receive the “random” codes I used to get. So was just curious!
Thanks for sharing them! I’m up to 19,584 now …not sure what I’m holding out for. I used to always donate them for “planting trees”, but I thought I might actually get something tangible this time. Haven’t decided.
Anyway …blessings to you!
~Deb B. ~
Madison, AL
Most of the codes I post I get from my readers. Sometimes Kellogg’s tweets me a code. I don’t get any codes in emails from Kelloggs either. You’ve got a ton of points – what will you get with them? Thanks Deb!
Hi Heather,
Thanks again, as the code WATCH4FALLCOLORS worked for me today! I’m now up to 20,284 in points ….still undecided what I will get or do with them. Just will let them build up some more, as I’m not really into “things/stuff” anymore. I’m actually trying to downsize, so I don’t want to “spend” them just to spend. If I see something I can actually use/need, then I will get. Otherwise, I will continue to donate them to planting trees, which is also needed. For years that’s all I did with my points. I believe they are being used for that charity, but you still have to sometimes wonder.
BTW …can I make a suggestion for your site, if it’s possible?!? I don’t know a ton about blog sites, as I’ve only thought about creating one. However, I know there was an option to have any of the comments show in various order (top to bottom, newest to oldest, etc). I can’t remember what site that was on, but just assumed that’s an option for all blog sites?!?!?
So my suggestion, if you’re able, can the newest/current comments post at the top of your comment feed? I ask because it’s hard to find the latest/current comments on your page. I have to scroll through old comments dated back from 2014 to find the current ones.
Also, not sure if it’s supposed to or not, but I didn’t even know you replied to my last comment, as it didn’t email me your reply or anything to say I had a response. Is it supposed to, since we have to give our email when submitting a comment? Just curious, as I know on some other blog sites it gives an option for me to mark a button that says “email me if anyone responds to my comment only” or I can mark a box that says “email me if anyone comments on this topic” …etc!
Again, I’m thinking about starting a blog myself, but am trying to learn the little “tricks”, so I can implement what I want on mine.
Thanks again, Heather! As always, appreciate your willingness to post these for us!
Have a blessed day!
~ Deb ~
Madison, AL
Thanks for the great suggestion, Deb – I just figured out how to change the order of comments. And I’m looking into setting up email notifications when I reply to comments. I appreciate it!
Hi Heather,
YAY …this is awesome …thanks so much for changing the order of the comments! It’s so much easier now, as the newest comments show right up top! Don’t know if it emailed me, as I haven’t checked that email account yet. It’s my secondary account I use for coupons, surveys & such. However, I don’t check it daily. I actually have 3 email accounts (primary, secondary as mentioned & 3rd one is for my tiny house page …it’s hard to keep up sometimes, but it helps to keep them separated out)!
Anyway, more info than you needed …LOL!
Thanks again! Have a blessed weekend!
~ Deb ~
You’re welcome, Deb – so glad you told me to change it! There are just too many things to keep track of on the blog, LOL.
As far as I can tell, the only way to get an email reply is to check that box when you first leave the comment. There isn’t a setting I can change in WordPress.
Girl, get a gift card!
ENDO-FSUM-MERP-TS4U for 100 points!
Expires 08/27/2017.
SOLO-NGSU-MMER-2017 for 100 points!
Expires 08/20/2017.
Thanks for always posting these codes.
FUNS-UMME-RBON-US4U for 100 points!
Expires 08/13/17.
SUMM-ERSE-NSAT-IONS for 100 points!
Expires 8/06/17.
Thanks again for the new code!
NOTE: The below codes seem to be working again, it may depend on when you entered the codes last:
HOWITWORKS20PNTS – 20 points
HAPP-YSUM-MERT-OYOU for 100 points!
Expires 7/30/17.
Thanks for sharing this code. I always use my points to enter sweepstakes. I haven’t won anything yet, but one of these days……
Good luck playing the sweeps, Diane!
SUMM-ERFU-NFRO-MKFR for 100 points. Expires 7/23/17.
Thanks again, Yimmy!
Another new code: DADYOUARETHEBEST – 50 pts, exp. 6/25/17
DADY-OUAR-ETHE-BEST (Expires 6/25/17)
Posting now – thanks!
I like checking out your site to grab some extra freebie points …thanks so much! Today’s email gave me: KFRC-ELEB-RATE-SDAD for 50 pts! I also just used yours above: HOTHOTHOTPTS4YOU (for 25 pts -thanks)!
Have a blessed day to all! O:-) <
Awesome Deb – thanks for leaving a comment!
New KFR code: KFRCELEBRATESDAD exp. 6/26/17
Thank you for the new code!
NOTE: The below codes seem to be working again, it may depend on when you entered the codes last:
HOWITWORKS20PNTS – 20 points
Thank you for the posting. I have earned 200 points.
That’s awesome, Grace! Keep coming back to my blog because I usually post new Kellogg’s codes every week!
FREEPTSRBLOOMING – 100 points (posted on 5/15)
Thanks Angie – I already posted this code.
ITSMOMSDAY2SHINE from KFR on Facebook 50 points.
Expires 5/21/17
50 PTS
EXPIRES ON 5/22/17
Thanks for the May codes. Happy Mother’s Day!
You’re very welcome, Colleen!
thanks for the site info.
These codes didn’t work for me:
SORE-ADYF-ORSP-RING for 100 points!
SPRINGPOINTS4ALL – 100 points (posted on 4/3)
DUNKING4KFR25PTS – 25 points (posted on 4/2)
WINN-INGR-ECIP-ES4U for 25 points
Thanks sooo much,it’s appreciated.
25FREEPTS4THEWIN – 25 points (posted on 4/1)
TRICKYTIPSBYTONY – 25 points (posted on 4/1)
APRILFOOLSFUNPTS – 25 points (posted on 4/1)
WHOOPEECUSHIONPT – 25 points (posted on 4/1)
25PTSTOSAYTHANKS – 25 points (posted on 3/30)
There’s three more right now for 25 pts each:
25FREEPTS4THEWIN for 25 points
I have some new Kellogg’s point codes for April Fools Day.
all expire 4/15/17
ILUV-BBAL-LREC-IPES for 25 points
GAME-TIME-GOOD-EATS also for 25 points
typo – it’s – springbonuspts4u
Another Bonus code. New 3/17, expiration 4/3/17.
hi add SPRINGBONUSPTS4U for 25pts
SPRINGBONUSPTS4U for 25 points
TEAM-SPIR-ITLE-TSGO for 25 points
BEST-BALL-GAME-EATS for 25 points
New code expired April 31 2017
Again 25 PTS
I can’t get either of the codes posted yesterday to work… says they are INVALID
BBALLFANFAVORITE (25 points, new 3/16, expiration unknown)
YOUCHOOSETHEBEST (25 points, new 3/16, expiration unknown)
Try again today… I couldn’t get them to work on the 16th, but they did work today.
They worked for me today.
Thank you so much for sharing they all worked today
SPRINGFORWARDDAY and SKISLEDSKATE4PTS did not work for me. Error said code was incorrect.
25 points
Just started following you, new to all this and trying to catch up! Thank you for the great tips and reward codes! Your the best???Keep up the great work!
The first, 4th and 5th codes are still active! Thanks!
I have looked all over the box of pop tarts and i can not find the KFR code where is it located at on the box?
Sorry Tina – but they no longer but Kellogg’s Family Rewards codes on the product packages.
Copied from another site:
NOTE: The below code seem to be working again, it may depend on when you entered the codes last:
HOWITWORKS20PNTS – 20 points
—————I used all 3 today & they all worked————-
The first and the last worked for me. : )
LETITSNOWUGETPTS – 100 points (posted on 2/14)
WARMUPWITHPTSNOW – 100 points (posted on 2/20)
The HAPPYVDAYFRMKFR code is expired. But thank you for all these codes! I now have enough for some high dollar coupons!
As of today these are all expired:
Thank you for the updated point list. It is greatly appreciated!!!
the “kindness pass it on” does not work
I just entered it and it worked. : )
i cant get it to take kindnesspassiton and letitsnowugetpnts, i tried several times, says invalid.
Hi all the ones from January say they are incorrect so im guessing they don’t work anymore
I found KIND-NESS-PASS-ITON. It expires 2/27/2017. It is for 25 points.
KIND-NESS-PASS-ITON for 25 points.
Expires 2/27/17
From the crossword puzzle. Just used it today.
Thanks Melissa – just posted this new code!
Please try again. The code entered is incorrect. Keep in mind that some characters may look similar.
When I get this message I will type in the code (instead of copying & pasting) and sometimes that will work.
TISTHESEASON4PTS for 100 points
25 pts, expires 02/04/2017
Says its a duplicate….. ive had a lot say that… anyone know why
Could be that you already entered the code or could simply be an error. Try typing in the code instead of copying & pasting it.
Hi, I have read that Kellog’s would not be taking anymore codes after today. I still have a lot of them I haven’t put in. Can we please request extra time? Or how to request more time? Desperately need help please!!
They stopped taking codes that where printed on there old packaging. To get points you know have to either upload your reciepts, have a participating loyalty card link to your account, text or log in on the website any bonus codes. I hope this helps
Call Kellogg’s directly and they may be willing to help you.
Where are the codes found?
Emails from KFR and posts on social media but today is the last day to input codes.
Thanks all worked!
I had email issues and now cant find any of my saved emails to load my holiday codes from 12/2016-now…Anyone know where I can find them?
I think that all of the Holiday codes have expired
Greatrewards4you 25 points
GREA-TREW-ARDS-4YOU for 25 points. Expires 1/30/17.
WINT-ERWO-NDER-PNTS for 100 points! Expires on 1/15/17.
The WINTERWONDERPNTS code gives me an ‘unknown error’ on KFR for some reason. Will try again later, and will let y’all know if it works, in case anyone else encounters the same issue. Hopefully all good soon :)
I texted it to 89332 (that’s KFR) and it works.
ISNT-UPLO-ADIN-GFUN (Expires 1/31/17)
Thanks so much, Angie – posting now!
Not sure if you have all of these, but they are all valid through 12/31/16
WINTERFUNWITHKFR – 100 points (posted on 12/25)*exp. 1/1
REDNOSEREINDEERS – 100 points (posted on 12/24)*exp. 12/31
30DAYSOFCHEERPTS – 25 points (posted on 12/21)*exp. 12/31
VERYMERRYBONUS4U – 100 points (posted on 12/11)*exp. 12/31
REDANDGREENPTS4U – 50 points (posted on 12/6)*exp. 12/31
REDN-OSER-EIND-EERS for 100 points! Have a merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season, everyone!
Can I receive these coupons by mail too or you can only print them out?
They are printable coupons – I don’t think there is an option to request them by mail.
Thanks so much for updating the codes so quickly.Also I have a $5 off $10 O’reilly auto parts coupon, for anyone who wants it please email me at
thanks for the codes!!! There was a new code today, i got a email from kelloggs 25pts
happy holidays!
VERYMERRYBONUS4U for 100 points.
There’s a new code for 25 pts.
ROCK-INGS-UMME-RPTS for 100 points, expires 12/04/16.
PresidentialPick & ScaryGoodSavings are expired.
HAPP-YHOL-IDAY-SPTS for 25 points.
Expires 12/31/2016
BEST-SUMM-EREV-ER4U for 100 points!
Expires 11/27/2016
Harvestfeast4all – 25 pts
Autumntraditions – 25 pts
Harvestfeast4all – 25
autumntraditions – 25
any new codes?? everything i tried to enter says duplicate code and to enter another.. i am at 0 points :(
Thanks so much for this site. Just scrolled through the whole trail and was able to add many of the codes to my account today. Sorry I didn’t keep track of the exact codes but hopefully the information below helps. I just cashed out 4000 points this morning for 2 free redbox movies. I don’t think I’ve ever had to pay for a redbox rental thanks to KFR!
11/12/2016 Code Entry +25
25 Points for Ghost and Goblins Bonus Code
11/12/2016 Code Entry +20
20 Points for Welcome Bonus Code
11/12/2016 Code Entry +20
20 Points for KFR Sharing Bonus Code
11/12/2016 Code Entry +50
50 Points for Kellogg Site Bonus Code
11/12/2016 Code Entry +25
25 Points for Scary Good Savings Bonus Code
11/12/2016 Code Entry +25
25 Points for Spooky Treats for You Bonus Code
11/12/2016 Code Entry +100
100 Points for Cool It Get Free Points Bonus Code
11/12/2016 Code Entry +25
25 Points for Election Day Poll Bonus Code
Thank you for the codes
You’re very welcome, Mary!
COOLITGETFREEPTS is only gave me 25 points
It hasn’t shown me how many points it’s worth
It’s 25 points
COOLITGETFREEPTS for 100 points. Expires 11/13/16.
New 800 point code on the website now. Go look. weeeeeee
I’m showing this code is worth 25 points in my account.
expires 11/14/16
Thanks David!
I forgot to mention, it’s only 25 points. You have it listed as 100.
was just getting ready to post about the 100 vs 25 points! :-D I will take any points though, so thank you both!
The top 3 (10/20,10/17,10/17) worked. The rest sais that it was a duplicate code and would not accept it. I just joined that site and those are my first entered codes so I’m not really sure what’s going on. Just thought I’d let it be known that the codes wernt working for me. :/
Thanks Emily – I’m guessing the older codes have expired. I will update my list!
SPOO-KYBO-NUS4-U800 800 points!
Thank you, Melanie!
ILOVESUMMERBONUS for 100 points. Expires on 10/23/16.
Nice – I appreciate it, Yimmy!
Hey guys, found this fab sweepstakes online that has a $2500 grand prize set + special deals/discounts for entering! Just wanted to share you!!
SUMMERTIMESPTS4U for 100 points
Expires 9/18/16
Hi. I have a Kellog’s Family Rewards account but I dont know where or how to grab/use those codes. Hope you can help me. Thanks :)
After you login, click on “Enter Codes” button.
Couldn’t confirm this code yet, but here you go!
MOMSGETSUMMERPTS for 100 points.
This code works for 100. I had to log out, then log back in to see it credited. But it does work :-)
KFRS-HARE-THAN-KS20 says it’s a duplicate when I enter, even though it’s not….
I’m sorry, I’m not sure why it’s giving that error. I entered it successfully the morning I posted it.
That’s okay! It’s not your fault :-)
Maybe they disenabled it because of the Labor Day code?? Very strange.
Yes – hard to say! I’ll go post the Labor Day code right now!
Yup, did it and got the Labor Day points. Thanks!
KFRS-HARE-THAN-KS20 for 20 points!
Thanks for the codes! Just got 50 points!
Awesome, Angela!
Codes are expired. Please update.
Expires 9/30/16. Valid for one entry.
25FR-EETO-COOL-DOWN — 25 pts
Thank you, Melanie!
25FR-EETO-COOL-DOWN for 25 points.
Expires 07/29/16.
Love Kellogg’s Thank You
I could not get these codes to work.
That’s because they expired at the end of June (6.25 and 6.27, respectively).
It’s been nearly a MONTH since we’ve had a KFR code. What is going on?
Here is one that is good now:
HIGHTEMP25FREE4U for 25 points. Expires 6/25/16.
Awesome – thanks so much!
FATH-ERSD-AYPT-FORU for 25 points. Expires 6/27/16.
YOUFOUND25FREE4U is expired!
i tried all the codes posted for 2016 and they are all expired , what a waste of my time
BONUSCODE4UHTSFF (25 points) is 100 points not 25
BONU-SCOD-E4UH-TSFF for 100 points
Hooray! Thanks for the new code!
FATHERSDAYPTFORU & MOREPTS4UROCKERS were the only2 that worked. The other 4 are expired. Thanks!
Two codes before the holiday weekend:
25FREEFORMOREFUN for 25 points
YOUFOUNDSUMMER25 also for 25 points
Thanks so much!
What is the “scavenger hunt”? 2 codes I entered said scavenger hunt after them in the points activity list. I looked every where for a mention of this scavenger hunt. marie
Thanks for all the stuff u post
MOREPTS4UATLMOMS for 100 points
MOREPTS4UATLMOMS is still working for 100 pts, i just tried it. Thanks
JULSB20GETSCODES has expited
I appreciate the update, Alison!
YOUFOUND25FREE4U for 25 points
25MO-REYO-UARE-GOOD new code (25points)
Thanks Brianna!
Thanks family for the rewards God in Jesus in your spirits will bless you tremendously. Praise v God for you all.
This is so awesome thank you.
Are there any other current working codes?
Only these codes in my post – I remove codes that have been reported as expired.
OK thanks
JULSB20GETSCODES for 100 points!
Thank you Yimmy!
POINTSFROMKFRFUN (100 points) says it is an expired code
Thanks a bunch for the codes!
You’re very welcome, Jeannette!
BONUSPTS4BARGAIN for 100 points!
HUNT-4FRE-EBIE-SPTS is now expired
FREE-PTS4-SHOP-FREE for 100 points
HUNT-4FRE-EBIE-SPTS for 100 points.
Thanks Yimmy – you rock!
100 pts
FREEBIESPTS4UNOW for 100 points
Thanks, I was able to connect on:
PTS4ALLQUEENSNOW for 100 points
DIVASGETPTSTODAY for 100 points.
TAST-YGOO-DSNA-CK4U for 5 points, expires 4/11/16
This one still worked for me!
Thanks for all of the codes!!!
I spoke too soon! These work, too:
Thanks Sarah!
BONUSPTS4FSTIMES for 100 points, expiring on 3/27
Thanks so much!
Lastest Post
YOUREASTERBASKET (25 points) added 3/22, expires 3/20
Says the code expires before the add date, which is odd
I’m correcting my error – thanks Mike!
Thank you. You helped me earn 200 Kellogg’s rewards points tonight!!
That is awesome to hear! You are very welcome!
HAVE-ASUN-NYSP-RING for 25 points. Expires 3/28/16.
HOWITWORKS20PNTS gave me 20 points today 2-24-2016
Haven’t had time to confirm this one, but this is for 29 points:
HAPP-YLEA-PDAY-2YOU expiring on 3/7/16.
It works – thanks for the new code!
I have entered several codes that were updated and they expire by thee 22 and none of them work AHOTKFRBONUS4YOU
CELEBRATEGAMEDAY is expired. Thanks for posting!
I appreciate the update, Karen!
Thank you so much for the codes, everyone! :)
It’s a team effort for sure! Glad we could help you boost the points in your account!
New Vday code
NOTHINGBUTLOVE4U for 25 points
25PT-BIGG-AMEB-ONUS for 25 points, expires 2/15/16.
A big THANK YOU!!!
Pop Tarts,rice crispy
WEME-LTFO-RMEM-BERS for 25 points
Big thanks to you, Yimmy!!!
KFRW-ARMA-NDTO-ASTY for 25 points. Expires 01/23/16.
Haven’t received any yet. I had over 5,000 points and they expired while I was out of town. I had tried to enter codes the week before they expired, but my iPad said this was not a safe site at that time.
KFRSUPERSAVERMOM for 100 points in the new year!
When i try to add the first one it said that it was expired
Please try entering the code again because it’s not supposed to expire until January 3
FREE-POIN-TS4D-IVAS for 100 points. Expires on 1/3/2016.
Packing4vacation 20 pts
Scholasticreader 20 pts
Howitworks20pnts 20 pts
Kfrsharethanks20 20 pts
Nutritioninabowl 50 pts
These worked as of just now.
They also have 100 pt bonus for linking store loyalty card and 100 pt bonus for watching new receipt for point process.
Kelloggs Family Rewards points 25 each expire 12/25/2015: KFRHAPPYHOLIDAYS and KFRKEEPSONGIVING
TODAY .12-21-15
Best o’luck
FYI the KFRKEEPSONGIVING is only worth 25 points. :-D TYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KFRHAPPYHOLIDAYS for an additional 25 points
Both expire on 12/25.
ROCK-INKF-RREW-ARDS for 100 points! Expires 12/20.
Thanks but that code yields “Error message unknown”… and today is only 12/19. :-(
UPDATE: Okay, so I waited a little while and tried again…. this time it worked -yippee! Guess their system was doing something quirky. :-D
PTS4THRIFTYCAJUN – tried this code and it says that it is expired. Tried it on 12/14/15. Just an FYI.
I got the expired code message on these three (Others still worked as of this message posting- Ty):
FEASTONKFRPOINTS (25 points) added 11/21
KFRGIVESTHANKS4U (25 points) added 11/21
HERES2ABETTERKFR (25 points) added 11/18
POINTSFORJULSB20 for 100 points
Thanks, you’re the best!
This code has expired.
HUNTFORKFRPOINTS (100 points) added 11/24
has expired. :(
I appreciate the update!
HUNTFORKFRPOINTS for 100 points!
Thanks for the codes.
and there’s one more:
There’s a new 25-point code:
New 100 point code posted on the 16th. Details here:
oops, I see Yimmy beat me to it
Thanks David – don’t know how I missed this code!
100P-OINT-THAN-KYOU for 100 points
The code TOODELISHTOSHARE is expired now.
I appreciate the update – I’ll update my list right now!
I really despise the coupons when it needs to be printed – I don’t have a printer and I also don’t have a phone to use at any checkout….just the basic Trac fone.
This is very disappointing and why do we need to go through so many questions and advertising just to get a free sample. Maybe it is time to mark ‘Freebie” as junk or block.
Thank you Ms. Powell
THANKYOU4SHARING for 100 points. Expires on November, 1.
I don’t know if anyone can help. I thought I had enough codes for a ticket to the avengers. I waited until now to enter them and turns out one was not for the movie but worth 100 points. So now I am 1 code short of a ticket. Can anyone help?
I also entered codes for avenger movie tickets on 10/24/15. And found out some really awesome news when I called the customer service line. If you enter your codes through the poptart side… You will get two free movie codes for one. They ran out of bobbleheads. And rewrote some program. And so when you make your selection to redeem one movie for 6 codes through the poptart side… It sends you two movie codes for redemption. And customer service said it was fine. So you are one short. Call the customer servie at 800-962-1413. And they will gladly give you a code to finish out your group. I’ve done it before. Also on 10/24/15 I had some codes that stated duplicate. That is why I called in to complain. And they did’nt even ask for the code. They just gave me a free replacement code. So don’t walk away from your 2 for one movie offer for 6 codes. Call into the customer service. Our large family has gone to allot of free movies because of KFC. Also lately when taking my redemption certificate to 2 different movie houses. They told me my balance that was still left on the voucher. It was worth up to 12.00 and I went to a 5.50 movie ticket price and was able to buy 2 tix for one voucher and still use the remainder towards concesisons. We did this at AMC in Mesquite TX. So get the full value of your voucher. Ask for it back and ask for the remaining balance on the voucher. You can get extra stuff for the same voucher if you are thrifty.
To get to the poptart side with your avenger movie code you sign on at kelloggsfamily Then look for the tab an inch from the top in white… called offers. click offers. it will take you to a spreadsheet of latest offers. Scroll down to the one called :”Get avenger stuff with Kelloggs Poptarts” And when you enter you last of 6 codes on that site, it will send you the credit for two movies when you redeem from that site. They changed up something when they ran out of bobbleheads and it duplicates the order from the poptart side over on the cereal side. It works I’ve gotten 6 freebie movies alongside my redemption of 6 for a total of 12 movies for 36 codes. Keep in mind you are only supposed to redeem 5 movies from one email account. you have to open other email accounts to keep things balanced with the kfc computer.
Thanks for the codes.
I won a $100 E-gift card on 8-13-2014. I had NEVER won anything like that before!
I greatly appreciate the update, Belinda!
Thanks for the codes!! I received 190 points!!
Columbus Day bonus points from Kelloggs are expired
Thanks for the update, Amber!
POINTSFORMOMMIES……Is worth 100, did it today 10/19. Just thought Id share.
Thanks Kelley!
DEALSANDKFRPTS4U tried this one today 10/12/2015 it is expired—says above just added 10/6
Thanks for letting me know – it’s always hard to predict how long the codes are valid for.
GETKFRREWARDSNOW is working for 100 points.
This website is very helpful! I get so many bonus points off of this website, I have so many points thanks to you!!! :))
Reya – I’m so happy to hear that! I’m glad my list is a good resource for you. Please tell your friends about it too!
The KFRLOVESPOPTARTS code is now expired.
Thanks for keeping this list :)
Enter at for free placemat by 10/31/15. Only works once so whoever finds this first gets it
Thanks so much. i grabbed a couple points. much appreciative. i am new to your site.xo
I’m happy you discovered my blog, Suzanne!
PTS4CCLIPINISTAS (100 points) added 9/16
Says expired.
Thank you for always posting Kellogg’s free code, Freebies4Mom.
You’re welcome!
Thanks for the list… but BONUSCODE4MOMMAS has expired
I will update my list – thanks Jessica!
PTS4CCLIPINISTAS is working for 1100 points-
that should read 100 points : )
Says expired as of today 9/30/15
Liz – Which code came up as expired? Thanks!
KIDSLOVECOLORING has expired. Thanks for the others! :)
I appreciate the update!
BONUSCODE4MOMMAS works for 100 points right now.
Thanks for the codes :) .. MagicOfBreakfast has expired
Thanks for the codes.
Thanks so much for the update!
BONUSCODEFORMOMS is now expired.
I appreciate the update, Jen!
fyi…the code SMOREKFRPOINTS4U was showing as expired when I tried entering it this morning.
Thanks for posting all the codes!
I appreciate the update, Peggy!
Only the code for August 10 worked for me, the rest did not.
25 point bonus listed this am
Thanks Donna – you rock!
It’s expired
Which code is expired?
PACKING4VACATION for 20 points
You rock, Yimmy!
Thank you so much for the new code – just added it to my list!
I appreciate the update!
thank you, thank you!!! :)
You’re welcome, Cathy!
I appreciate the update!
Sorry this code didn’t last long – be sure you have the others!
Got my post updated – thank you!
REWARDSRINTHEAIR for another 100 points
This one has expired: THERESSOMUCH2LUV
The 4th of July one is expired.
I appreciate the update, Lise!
THanks for all these!
ALLAMERICANBONUS has expired. I tried submitting it on my account today. Thank you for posting these codes though. :)
You’re welcome – and I appreciate the update!
REWARDINGMEMBERS Showing expired today 6/29/15
New code received today: ALLAMERICANBONUS for 25 PTS
The following code: FREEBONUSFROMKFR has expired.
Thank you for all the KFR codes your site has provided! We previously wrote on 5.26.15 inquiring as to the diminishing promo codes and finally & thankfully discovered that Kellogg’s (& their affiliates) are becoming more modernized so we can get ALL the credit we deserve from uploading my family’s receipts without having to worry about retrieving all the hard-to-read codes (we’ve been told they’ll still have comparable promotions & will share them on this site if you haven’t already beat me to it)! Jim & Jenna
fyi…FREEBONUSFROMKFR is showing as expired
Thanks for sharing! All codes work as of 6/21/15.
Super cool – thanks for letting me know!
Another new code for 25 points: SitBackAndUnwind
New code, 100 points!
Thanks for all the great work you do on this site!
You’re welcome – and thanks for the new code! I love getting help keeping my list updated!
KFRB-ONUS-4MEM-BERS for 100 points
Got it posted – thanks Rebecca!
50DRUGSTOREDIVAS is expired.
Hi. I appreciate all of the Kellogg’s free codes you’ve offered via this site! I have a rare primary autoimmune disease that significantly damages optic nerve affecting both eyes (among other things) where I’m already legally blind (with prescription). Anyway, I still buy so many Kellogg’s products (as well from their ‘Family Rewards’ associates) but I can never read – at age 43 – the codes inside even with a magnifying glass. I really wish they would make these codes with a bigger & bolder font. I used to be a CPA before I was forced home for 24/7 medical treatments but please know I am very hopeful about returning to work ASAP & will have another major surgery (could be a lifechanging one) in the next month to further that goal (I love being a mother but I also love my career and what it can offer my family).
Anyway, I noticed that there haven’t been any Kellogg’s codes posted since May 12th? I became more concerned when none were offered for Memorial Day. I thought maybe the corporate offices of Kellogg’s and their related affiliates were ‘tightening’ their rules because it looks to me that the main reason for these codes offered by them is more of a marketing strategy to find where people buy their products the most (as a former accountant for 20+ years I can’t help but think that this is their main agenda). Anyhow, if this is the reason or they’re just no longer widely available I respect them & your site for offering these free codes to someone like me as long as they did. Again, I still wish they would make their codes inside the box of their products easier to read for people with disabilities.
In any event, thank you for helping me to keep my Kellogg’s reward balance intact as long as it has been! I can not express how much I REALLY appreciate your help!! It helps keep my mind off my problems by providing me with something I’m can be productive with at the moment while helping my family, even if a little it still means a lot!!!
Wow! I appreciate you sharing the info.
CELEBRATESMOM is expired. Thanks so much for maintaining this list!
I appreciate the update Marissa! Thanks to all of my readers I’m able to keep this list up-to-date.
expired as of 05/21
Tina –
Which code on the list is expired? Thanks!
439K-WQPM-0BFY-JWJG – 200 points valid until 6/10/15
Thanks for sharing your codes everyone. This blog is awesome Heather.
Thanks Amanda!
That code has already been used
Expired code: KFRTHANKYOUBONUS (100 points) added 4/28
From Facebook today:
Expired now
Thanks so much for posting these codes
You are very welcome Rita!
CORNYLOVESEASTER did not work for me; it said it was expired.
Updating my list – I appreciate your help!
Here’s another one for 25 points!
GREATTOBEAMEMBER is worth 100 points. Valid 4/11/15
Thank you – already got this new code posted.
This code is coming up as expired.
EASTERTREATS4ALL We’re sorry, there was a problem with your request. Please try again.
Good morning! Many thanks for the codes. Just an update to let you know that-
are both
“Sorry, the bonus code you have entered has expired.”
But I am sure there are more free codes on the way!
YOURKFRBONUSCODE has expired. Thank you!!
I’ve made that update – thanks so much!
New code today on Facebook: CORNYLOVESEASTER. Expires 4/12/15.
There are two more codes that I was able to confirm are valid:
RKTR-ECIP-ESFO-RYUM for 25 points
FREEPTSCOMINGATU for another 25 points
SWEET – both codes are new to my list and I just added them on! Thanks so much for alerting me to these new codes!
I appreciate the update!
Thanks for the codes. I found that MAGICALCREATIONS expired.
MAGICALCREATIONS is expired. Thanks for all your hard work!
This code is expired: SCOOBYSWEEPS4YOU
New today: WELOVETRICKSTERS (50 points) – expires 4/8/15
KFR was cute and posted a screen shot of it being only 5 pts, but it is really 50 pts.
Thanks for letting us know, David!
New code – EASTERISONITSWAY = 50 pts
Thank you so much – just added that new code!
New to your site, thank you for sharing…
You’re welcome, Mary! Feel free to email me with questions or tips anytime –
new code! EASTERTREATS4ALL 100pts
Expired – LUCKYLEPRECHAUNS (50 points) added 3/17
Thanks for the points! :D
Updating my list now -thanks so much!
Thanks for the great list!
You’re welcome, Crystal!
Just searched and found your site… thanks for adding and updating these :) Here is what I got:
POINTSFORREWARDS (100 points) – Expired
LUCKYLEPRECHAUNS (50 points) Still Valid
SCOOBYSWEEPS4YOU (50 points) Still Valid
MAGICOFBREAKFAST (20 points) Still Valid
BACKTOSCHOOL2014 (50 points) Still Valid
GETFUELFORSCHOOL (20 points) Still Valid
HOWITWORKS20PNTS (20 points) Still Valid
EARNSWEETREWARDS (50 points) Still Valid
KFRSHARETHANKS20 (20 points) Still Valid
EARNGREATREWARDS (20 points) Still Valid
300 points that I didn’t have before… thanks again!
Super! Glad you got so many points and I’ve updated my listed based on your feedback! Go add the *NEW* code MAGICALCREATIONS (25 points) added 3/23
FREEPOINTSFORYOU has expired (3/17/2015) Thanks for posting all of these!
Just updated – I appreciate your help in keeping my list of codes current!
TASTYWAYTOPOINTS states expired. Thanks so much for these. I just signed up recently for the Kelloggs Family Rewards.
EVERYONELOVESKFR and KELLOGGSREWARDSU (both 100pts) are both expired. Thanks for the list….I always check here when I finally sit down to enter all my codes from the items I purchased!
Got my list updated – thank you!
KELLOGGSREWARDSU (100 points) added 2/23 is expired
I appreciate the updates, Brooke!
EVERYONELOVESKFR (100 points) added 3/2 is expired
eveyoneloveskfr is expired
Do you have any codes for free books?
Thanks for posting these codes it really helps to boost my points.
Hooray – I’m happy to hear that, Ruby!
Thank you for the codes and tips. I wish I could use these, but I always get an error when attempting to log in to kfr. It keeps telling me that my username or password is incorrect even when I’ve just requested a password reset. I made a second account to see if it was just a problem related to my email address, but the issue persists with the second account as well. I’m kind of bummed out about it. Am I the only one having this problem?
Rebecca –
That is so strange. Have you tried contacting Kellogg’s directly about it? Here is their contact page:
Good luck!
Just joined and had fun adding these codes, thank you! :D
I believe KFRISCRAZYFORYOU has expired.
Updating my list – thank you!
the code
EVERYONESAWINNER is expired, that is what it said when I tried to enter it.
Thanks so much for the update!
“Everyonesawinner” is expired (tried today 2/14/2015)
New code in today’s email from Kellogg’s. Solve the crossword puzzle (spoiler!), and you get a 25 pointer:
No indication of expiration date.
BTW, you can remove Dianne from the thank you list at the top of this page. That was actually me. I felt weird at first as a man posting on a mom site. :-)
You’re cracking me up, David!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day! You’ve solved our crossword and entered your FREE BONUS CODE!
Thank you so much for sharing Anna!
Thanks for the code
You’re welcome Tracy!
Sorry that code didn’t last long!
EARNGREATREWARDS did not work. It said it was a duplicate. The rest worked great! Thank you!
Thanks, but codes from packages are one-time use codes that can’t be shared.
Thanks David,
I went on to check there (Facebook) yesterday as I thought ti was every Friday but did not see one posted.
Thanks and have fun if you watch the SuperBowl tomorrow!
New 25 point code: SPEC-IALP-TSFO-RYOU
Expires: 2/7/15
Source: Facebook
I appreciate the new code! Updating my post right now.
I appreciate the update John!
New code added today 1/28/15 – Hurrayforgameday
SWEET – thanks for the new code, took me a few seconds to figure out the significance of 49 points – for the Super Bowl of course!
QUIZWHIZ50POINTS is expired. Tried it on 1/26/2015.
Thanks for having this list! It’s great!
I appreciate the update, Mel!
Thanks for these!
There is a new code that was added this morning: 4the-love-ofch-eese
It worked! Adding now – thanks so much for the new code!
would like updated kellogg codes ty
Robin – Please subscribe to my daily Freebies 4 Mom email here:
Thank you! 6 of these worked for me. The others were duplicates that I must have already used in the past.
You’re very welcome Trisha!
KFRTHANKYOU50PTS worked for me, for 50 pts
Thank you so much – adding this code to my post!
This code worked for me today, 2/14/2015. I didn’t see it in your post above, however.
Spidey Excitement – code EXPIRED
Hi! Thanks a lot! HOLLYJOLLYPOINTS expired.
EASYMENUPLANNING was added today. Expires 12/26. Supposedly is for 50 points, but for some reason it only added 5 points to my account when I used it.
Five points for me too! Kind of funny! But I guess five points is five points. :)
All codes worked except for “CYBERSALEREWARDS”. Thank you. :)
Thanks for letting me know Christina!
kfrfeastofpoints is expired
SOTHANKFULFORYOU is expired! :-D Thanks for the other codes!
Got my list updated – thanks!
sure thing! thank YOU!
KFRFEASTOFPOINTS – posted today in video message on Facebook
this was worth 100 points. has anyone tried it yet? they didn’t mention the expiration but I’m assuming it’s probably this coming Friday
I just tried this one this morning (12/2/14) when I saw your comment and it worked for me!
Thanks… can we get this one added to the list at the top?
Dianne –
Which code worked for you?
Nevermind – I got the new code added!
First code worked for me today. KFRBONUSPTSTWEET said expired
The first code is now expired.
Thanks for the update!
As seen on @kfr on twitter:
SOTHANKFULFORYOU (50 points) Expires 11/28
added yesterday
They all worked for me with the exception of the first code as well!
do you still have those codes? they are no longer displayed on the freebies4mom page. thanks!
Dianne –
I’ve removed all codes that are “expired” or simply stopped working.
they all worked for me except the top one.
Do you still have those codes? They are obviously gone from this site, but I would like to try them again.
I just went through the list and all but the first one worked for me! Thanks.
The codes contained in todays email are all one time use codes and thus invalid. Only the very first person that entered them got/will get the point credits. Thanks
Sharon –
They were working for many on Tuesday morning – unfortunately they then stopped working before I realized the Kellogg’s changed them. I’m so sorry about that – I hate to send out expired codes, but I just didn’t know before my email went out.
None of the codes worked for me :(
Jennifer –
I’m sorry, but Kellogg’s changed those codes to “expired” and they only worked for everyone for a short period of time.
First code didn’t work for me, the rest did! Thank you!!
Thanks for that update Jessica!
I had the same problem- I even went back to confirm that I didn’t have the codes already entered. Has anyone figured this out yet?
All the new codes are coming up as duplicate…. so unfair
I’m sorry, I think Kellogg’s changed them because this morning they were working for many. Sometimes codes are expired without any warning – so it looks like Kellogg’s expired these codes sometime today.
Yes — all of these coeds came up as duplicates. When it looks TOO good to be true . . . . Kelloggs is generous, but 3K did seem a bit over the top.
I’m sorry, I think Kellogg’s changed them because this morning they were working for many. Sometimes codes are expired without any warning – so it looks like Kellogg’s expired these codes sometime today.
I have the same issue. All six codes don’t work.
I’m sorry, I think Kellogg’s changed them because this morning they were working for many. Sometimes codes are expired without any warning – so it looks like Kellogg’s expired these codes sometime today.
These codes don’t work for me or my daughter. All show up as duplicates.
I am trying to enter codes for the family rewards but it keeps showing “file not found”. please help me! I live in the commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, i hope that i can be registered and be a part of the kellogs family rewards so i can enter my codes for rewards….Thank you!
I’m sorry, I think Kellogg’s changed them because this morning they were working for many. Sometimes codes are expired without any warning – so it looks like Kellogg’s expired these codes sometime today.
same problem…told they’re all duplicates
I’m sorry, I think Kellogg’s changed them because this morning they were working for many. Sometimes codes are expired without any warning – so it looks like Kellogg’s expired these codes sometime today.
Same error for me. I bet these codes were not meant to get out (or at least not shared with a bunch of people), and they disabled them.
I’m sorry, I think Kellogg’s changed them because this morning they were working for many. Sometimes codes are expired without any warning – so it looks like Kellogg’s expired these codes sometime today.
None of the codes work
I’m sorry, I think Kellogg’s changed them because this morning they were working for many. Sometimes codes are expired without any warning – so it looks like Kellogg’s expired these codes sometime today.
I have the same problem with the codes added today….all say they are duplicates.
Same issue for me – all state duplicate & aren’t.
When I try to add the 500 point codes it says they are duplicates. I’ve tried all the codes and all the stores. Has anybody else had this issue and discovered a solution? Thanks!
The 6 codes that were added on Veteran’s day keeps saying duplicate. I have never redeemed them before.
KFRTRICKORTREATS has expired as well.
I appreciate the update Karin!
50 points, expires November 10th
Found on Hip2Save,Thanksforthevote 50 pts
Wow, I eat Special K all the time and I never even thought to join Kellogg’s reward program. I’ll have to check it out and use these codes. Thanks! Now I just have to figure out where codes are on my cereal boxes.
Found this one that expires on November 7th: FPFFREAKYFUNCODE
Thank you!
KFRSHARETHANKS20 doesn’t give 100 points. Only 20
Correction made! Thanks so much!
50 KFR Points
100 KFR Points
collectpointsnow said expired
New Code Added Today on Facebook
Thanks Chris!
Thanks Chris, but didn’t work for me.
KFRTRICKORTREATS 25 points expires 11/7
I also got the 101 prints (and 50 KFR points) with a code from an email. The subject line on mine was “Yum! Fantastic Fall Favorites Inside.” Thanks for the heads up or I might not even have opened it!
Great website, and the updates are most appreciated, Thank You.
EATMORECHOCOLATE 25 points expires on 10/23!!
SPRINGONTHECOLOR (20 points) added 4/2
All other codes worked!
KFRSHARETHANKS20 (20 points) – I got 100 points for this one!!!!
I appreciate the updates Melissa!
DAYORNIGHTSNACKS (50 points) added 10/9 is now expired. Thanks for the great work rounding up these codes!
I appreciate the update Angela!
SATISFYYOURTUMMY (50 points) added 10/9 is now expired. Thanks for the great work rounding up these codes!
Thanks so much for all these codes! Some codes did not work last week but now they do. Thanks again.
The Deer Valley one says it is expired…the rest worked as of 10/8/2014.
Thanks for the update!
FYI – Just tried another code and message stated that code entry is not available at this time – team working to resolve the issue.
Just tried to enter new code (10/4) wheatuporsweetup and received the following message:
We’re sorry, there was a problem with your request. Please try again.
Please try again later and let me know if it works!
CEREALANDMILKABC has expired but thank you for the other codes :)
You’re welcome – I appreciate the update!
KFRDISCOVERYTOYS, worked for me today, Sept 29 for 50 points
kfrdiscoverytoys is expired
I appreciate the update!
00T4-R3G9-YPY1-FCNT = 90 pts + 90 pts bonus for Pretzel Thins
Y6PW-BY4X-1Y3Z-RNP9 = 100 pts = 1 Free Book
Thank you for sharing, but it looks like these are unique codes found on packages that are only valid for one-time use.
THROWBACKBONUS50 appears to have expired.
“Sorry, the bonus code you have entered has expired.”
How do you add Couponpro, mojosavings, hunt4freebies to Kelloggs codes? There are not enough letters or spaces so they will not accept them.
Marge – Those are not Kelloggs codes, simply credit to bloggers who have published new codes that I’ve added to my list.
R47774FL9V1WOPVH 100 pts
It is a duplicate. Thanks though
New code, it came out today. SNAC-KTIM-ESHU-FFLE – 100 pts, expires 10/16
Woo hoo! Thanks so much, Mary!
I don’t know if anyone else got this, but today (9/20) I got an “anniversary” email from Kelloggs that contained a code for 100 free points. Just wanted to share!!
SWEET – that’s an awesome way to celebrate the “Anniversary” of joining Kellogg’s Family Rewards!
Thanks so much for sharing this list! The code RELAXITSLABORDAY is also expired.
Thank you so much for these, this is awesome!!!!!
The Labor Day code has expired. :(
Thanks so much – I’ll update my list right now!
Which labor day code didn’t work for you?
Thanks for the update!
Thanks so much! The only one expired was the little leaguers one. (9/1)
You are awesome for letting me know – updating my list and adding a new code soon!
September 1st: RELA-XITS-LABO-RDAY (100 points) Expires 9/8.
All KFR rewards codes you have listed were still good as of today. I used all but one. Thanks.
Awesome – I really appreciate that you took the time to tell me they all worked for you!
50 point bonus code – FREE-PTSF-ROME-RNIE (expires 9/4)
Thanks so much – just posted that code but didn’t know when it expires!
Here are some codes for Kellogg’s Rewards.
0ZJK-JR7X-30YC-JJF3 50 Pts.
3LG5-3TG4-FYTT-7GCY 90 Pts.
0XKW-1NT3-5Q0N-5ZHQ 90 Pts.
Barbara – Thanks for sharing, but those are one-time use codes that cannot be shared.
baseball bonus code – GOLI-TTLE-LEAG-UERS (expires 8/30)
Wow – thanks for the new code!
KFRSATURDAYBONUS is expired, Thanks for all of the freebie codes.
KELLOGGSBONUSPTS is marked as expired as of this morning (8/20/14)
I appreciate the update, Pam!
Thanks – I’ll update right now!
Do u know what the regulations are, can’t find anything to that effect on the site, I just looked.
Pauline – I just found the fine print that says accounts that are inactive for 90 consecutive days can have all points removed. Here’s the exact wording: “Kellogg reserves the right to remove all Rewards Points from an Account in the event of inactivity for ninety (90) consecutive days beginning January 1, 2014. Inactivity is defined as no Code Entry, no Points or Bonus Points earned or no Point redemption”
Thank u so much for making me aware of that.
Hello. Thanks so much for sharing all of these codes. I had over 1000 pts expire because I had not been logging….had got out of the coupon routine. Now trying to get back in….kellogs cereal on sale for $1.99 a box & new I needed to get my coupons together for double coupons & then found out my pts were gone! Ugh! Then I started googling & found your list. Your codes + the few I had in boxes just put me back over 1000 pts!!!!! I can now print 4 coupons!!!! Thanks a bunch!!!
Wonderful that you were able to get so many points with the help of my list! I need to add a warning to my readers not to save up their points for too long since it appears there is a time-limit on them.
Hi: I just want to thank you for giving us all of the extra Kellogg’s codes, it’s so nice of you and much appreciated :)
Patti – Thank you for leaving a comment. I love to help my readers!
All still working! Thank you so much Ill be able to get my $1.50 coupon which is going to make cereal 10 cents a box this week when combined with my other coupons!!!
What a great deal on cereal! Glad these coupons are helping!
Good for you! And as always, thanks for posting the codes.
Question though on the coupons. Kaileigh just posted how she is getting coupons so cereal down to 10 cents! Wow. Are the coupons that they reward you with your points, are these the same ones that we can clip for free from the Sunday newspaper coupon section? Or are they different and you can combine them?? Thanks
The Kellogg’s Manufacturer’s coupons can’t be combined (i.e. use 2 coupons on 1 product). But the Kellogg’s coupons you get thru Kellogg’s Family Rewards are usually higher-value than the coupons you find in the Sunday paper. I’m guessing that Kaileigh found a deal where she can stack a store coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon? At some stores (like HEB and Target in my area) you can stack coupons to use 2 coupons on 1 product.
Ah, I see.
I was wondering why the coupons cost points since we get the Sunday Globe every weekend, and I eagerly clip to save. ;)
I hope that they are bigger discounts than the free online or Sunday coupons.
THanks! The 2 august ones worked for me!!
Wonderful – so happy to see new codes this week!
Thanks for your hard work..appreciate all you do..
You’re welcome! I hope everyone is getting some great freebies & coupons with their points!
Another one to add to the list HIMONEYSAVINGMOM
Added it – and make sure you also get KELLOGGSBONUSPTS (25 points) added August 12
The KFRSATURDAYBONUS doesn’t expire until 8/16 (it’s in the fine print on the post on their Facebook page.)
Thanks so much for the update!
It worked for me today MON, thank u
They are all still kicking!
Thanks so much for confirming that all the codes work!
I actually used KFRSATURDAYBONUS today (Sunday) and it still worked!! thanks!
Great to hear – I’ve updated my post!
Would not take CEREALANDMILKABC, said sorry try again.
Thanks for letting me know – it worked ok for me this morning. Anyone else having problems with this code?
I just tried it & it worked.
pauline greer this code:CEREALANDMILKABC you need to put other in where to buy it then summit so it can work ok
Thanks for that tip!
AMAZINGSPIDERMAN said it was expired! All others worked great, thanks!
Thanks so much for letting me know – I like to keep my list current!
I just tried the BACKTOSCHOOL2014 code and it worked. It even counted towards the free Scholastic book promotion they’re doing, but I need 2 more to get a book.
Crazygoodconcert has expired! just letting ya know :)
Thanks – I’ll update my list!
I have a code from some special k pastry crisps, : 1FRZ-KNT4-ZCKZ-4ZR1. Not sure if its a duplicate, but I entered it and it gave me 80 points! hope it works ;)
Codes found on products are one-time use codes – but glad you got the 80 points!
BROOKSTONESWEEPS…said it was expired as of 9:30 pacific time when I tried it
Thank you – I’m updating my list right now!
BACKTOSCHOOL2014…50 points!
Thanks so much for the new code – posting right now!
Add it to my list!
It is telling me this one is expired
UGH – thanks for letting me know, I’ll update right now!
Oops, the code is FZJM-BRR0-CTG3-VX61. Hope it works for you.
Thanks – I’m not sure if this code is a one-time use or a duplicate of an old code (I got “The code entered is a duplicate”). I’ll leave your comment here in case anyone else wants to try this code!
I just tried it, it was a “duplicate” for me too
Your code is a duplicate because it is a code that was fr when they used to put codes inside the boxes of cereal and Keebler products
HI, I’ve been using your site to get codes & have gotten tons of points for you. I got this one by email today & it was worth 200 points. I hope you can use it too.
The one you sent out today as new 100 pts: TOTALLYHOTSUMMER
says duplicate, which I assume was not new today but a few days ago posted?
Hana –
I posted TOTALLYHOTSUMMER on Thursday, July 17 at 12:36 pm. Since my email newsletter goes out daily each morning, this post was included in my Friday, July 18 newsletter (since it was posted after my Thursday newsletter was sent out). It’s possible that you saw the code somewhere else and had already entered it in your account. Thanks for reading my blog!
KFRCELEBRATESUSA just worked for me :) Thank you!
I found another code on Kellogg’s Facebook page
It expires on July 18th
Thanks – I previously posted this code but later removed it from the list because my readers were telling me it expired already.
HollyJollyCostco and HappyBirthdayKFR are expired
Thanks so much Amanda – I’ll update my post!
HAPPYBDAYAMERICA is another one worth 238 pts.
Can’t believe how big this code is! Got it posted – thanks for making sure I saw it!
Dumb me, I didnt realize my points would expire..I lost all of mine, thank you for posting.
Dang it, me too! I just realized that last week, and I had been saving all year. ;o(
Crazy! How do you know when they will expire?
Kellogg’s must have gotten many complaints. Rrr. A few days ago when I discovered that I had a larger sum of expired points than I had currently, I was not happy!!!
I just went on, and I can not find the number of points shown that have expired…
FIRSTDAYOFSUMMER is good for 50 points until 6/25 (tomorrow). Enjoy!
Thanks so much.
I lost my list and I was unable to enter. You saved my KFR account. =)
Andrea –
This is the current list of codes, I will add any new codes to it if I find new codes that work! I remove codes that have expired if my readers who are entering the code for the first time get the message the code has expired (most codes do not have a published expiration date). Thanks for asking!
Thanks for the codes, Heather. There were many of them that I never used before so I got lot’s of new bonus points. I appreciate you making these lists for your readers.
Woo hoo! I’m so happy many of these codes were new to you!
Thanks just used the codes. I think a new 50 point code is “CELEBRATEOURDADS”
Thanks, MHFalcon & Freebies4mom,
I’ve been a Kellogg’s member for some time. But how/where do you guys get the extra codes? I have not received any through email from Kellogg’s, so am wondering how you guys get them (ones that are additional, besides the purchased box codes).
Thanks again
Hana –
The bonus codes are released in several different places (like the Kellogg’s Family Rewards Facebook page, Twitter account, and other social media channels). It’s hard to find them because they are released in different places, that’s why I keep this list with new codes that my readers tell me about. I’m glad you are getting some more points to add to your account! Keep checking back to this post!
Ahh, I see.
I think I am signed up for several of those things you listed, but see that I would have to go and check on them regularly to get the codes (instead of waiting for them in an email or message sent out to me). ;)
I have never cashed in points for rewards (have you?), and not even sure when I will if worth, but hopefully. :)
Thanks again
I use my points to get high-value coupons for Kellogg’s products. Checkout the Rewards catalog and see what you want to save up your points for!
CELEBRATEOURDADS 50 points used today
Thanks so much! Adding it to my list!
Used all those on the list as I just signed up today and they all worked, thanks! Up to 305 points already.
Fabulous – thanks for letting me know all of these codes are still valid! I so appreciate my readers who help me keep things updated and current!
crazygoodconcert is another I just found posted yesterday!
Woo hoo! Just posted it!
twitterficbonus and terrifictuesdays are both expired – boo :(
Thanks for letting me know, I’ll update my list.
Thanks for all the codes, they were great and all worked, Really added to my points.
Woo hoo!
KELLOGGSFREEBOOK has expired. I tried it at 8:45 CST 06/04/14
Thanks for letting me know – I’ve updated my list
GRAINSFRUITDAIRY HAS EXPIRED! Thanks this was a great list and bumped up my points! My goodness you have to have a ton of points to get anything worthwhile! I hope they change that.
Thanks for that update!
New Code 50 pts, expires 6/2: JUSTBECAUSEBONUS
Thanks for giving me the expiration date! I’ll add that to my post
another 200pt code: 31GK-WRPF-7BFR-JVW6
Looks like this might be a one-time use code (and not a shareable one)
It looks like CELELBRATEMOTHERS has expired also. These codes are expiring quickly now. Guess I need to start entering them when I first see them.
Thanks for the update – I’ll mark that code as expired.
Thanks, but tried right away, and though added today, they are EXPIRED already!
POPTARTSDOWNLOAD (25 points) added 5/15
WELOVEMOTHERSDAY (100 points) added 5/15
Hana –
I’m sorry – both of these codes worked yesterday. My daily email goes out early each morning so the codes went out this morning before I had heard from readers that 2 of the 3 codes I added had expired. It’s tricky to keep this list updated (but I try) because Kellogg’s codes never have a published expiration date. I’ll post new codes as soon as I find them!
Some More Codes –
Hollyjollycostco- 50
Thanks so much for these codes! They all worked for me except Hollyjollycostco (already on my list) and CINCODEMAYOPARTY (code has expired). You rock – thanks again for your help!
As for 5/8/14, these worked.
AMAZINGSPIDERMAN (20 points) added 4/21 – WORKED.
KFRTWEETSREWARDS (50 points) added 4/21 –EXPIRED.
SPRINGONTHECOLOR (20 points) added 4/2- WORKED
SPIDEYEXCITEMENT (20 points) added 3/31 – WORKED.
SPECIALK5BONUS4U (50 points) added 2/6 – EXPIRED.
GREATSTARTSBONUS (20 points) added 2/6 – WORKED.
HOWITWORKS20PNTS (20 points) added 2/6 – WORKED.
I’ve updated my list – thanks so much for your help!
Thanks for the points…:-) Have a blessed day!
You’re welcome – I hope you can get a high-value coupon or something else with them!
Thank You Heather, I’m caught up now :)
Woo hoo!
LOVEANDCHOCOLATE is expired. Thanks for the free codes, love them!
thank you! I didn’t even know about this. I just started couponing and came across the site.
thank you!! just added all these to my account! I love free points!!
These aren’t new codes. At least in my account, it told me they are duplicates, I already entered them.
They are new to my list – I’m trying to catch-up and help my readers catch-up too!
Such a Big Help! Thank you so much for sharing these codes! I use them for the Brain Quest printables for my 6yr old son, he loves them! And for myself, the Kelloggs Reusable Bags! Love you Freebies4Mom! Keep up the great work!
AWESOME!!! I’m so glad you could put these codes to good use! I’ll keep updating this list as I find new codes that work for me. Feel free to email me any shareable codes you come across as well!
Thank you for compiling these in one place! I am faithful about entering my codes from products but never remember to do these and having them all in one place is such a time-saver!!! I really appreciate it, so THANK YOU again!
You’re welcome Emily!
Thanks for the new codes, however JOINKELLOGG2SAVE has expired. :(
I’ve updated my post – thanks for your help!
Thanks! I didn’t have most of those.
Thanks! I think I had only one duplicate on the list :o)
Thank you!
You bet! I’ll be posting more codes as I come across them!
Have more free kellog codes been posted since the points posted for Dec 16th?
Yes – these new codes were posted:
KFRCONSUMERQUEEN (100 points) added 12/21
WARMWISHESFORYOU (25 points) added 12/21, expires 12/31
I normally get the coupons but I did get 2 grocery bags when they had them for 1000 points each.
Also, I don’t know if this one still works I used it on 1/10/14 – howitworks20pts
it has to have 16 letters/numbers. the code does not contain that. Is there a letter or number missing.
The code is HOWITWORKS20PNTS. It was missing the N.
thank you, i just entered it!!
“howitworks20pts”: Did not work – it’s missing a character should be 16 instead of only 15
@Iris . There are 16. You forgot the N in HOWITWORKS20PNTS
Missing one character. Needs to be 16 long.
CORRECTION: This is the corrected code posted by Mary on 1/31/2017 The follow is workable on 2/2/2017 — howitworks20pnts
Thanks so much!! I got a free movie ticket during their Holiday promotion in December!
I grabbed my 400, Thank you for posting!
You’re very welcome!