Sorry, no longer available.

Update@ 12:30 pm: And yet another link for the $3 Planters Coupon – so that brings the total to 4 links that have worked for me to give me 8 coupons.

With this new link for the $3 Planters coupon I was able to print two more coupons! Thanks goes to Weighing in on Life for emailing me!

If you’ve missed the previous two links I listed:
I also have heard that there are some ads showing up across the web for this coupon, and that some people are able to print again by clicking on the ad. Keep your eyes peeled, but I will not be sending you on a wild goose chase to find these ads because they require refreshing over and over again with hopes it will appear (and for me it often never does).
What am I going to do with my free peanuts? I’ll be making Pad Thai – noodles with peanut sauce, sprinkled with chopped peanuts and a squeeze of lime.
