Free Sample Natures Craft Vitamins

Youā€™ve missed this freebie, but youā€™ll find all of the Freebies here.

I just got paid $15 and you can too! Sign up to get paid to purchase & review Natures Craft vitamins and supplements, just fill out the form and the company will contact you via email with instructions when theyā€™ve got spots open (check your spam folder, thatā€™s where my email landed). You can choose which product category youā€™re most interested in trying from the pull-down menu. They will send you Paypal money for you to purchase the product on Amazon. They ask that after you receive the product you try it and leave an honest review on Amazon. After leaving your review, they will give you an additional $15  via Paypal so you should end up making $15.

I participated and Natures Craft made it easy and they paid me promptly. Because I had a positive experience, I wanted to encourage my readers to participate in this generous product sampling program.

I can help you get more freebies when you become a subscriber!
