You might have noticed the new purple ads on my blog – I have one just below my “Hottest 4 Coupons” list on the right, and one below my BlogHer ad on the left. I strive to have useful ads about coupons and free samples that will serve as a resource to you, but also as a way for me to make some money. The ads have allowed me to turn my hobby of finding freebies into my part-time job, which means I can dedicate even more time to finding freebies for you.
I am really curious if some of my readers who have problems printing coupons will have any problems printing them from my new ads. If you click on “See all coupons” you will get a new pop-up window with a list of coupons you can print, there are currently 65 different coupons available. To tell you the truth I like this method of printing coupons better than going to the website because it is much easier to browse the list – you don’t have to click on several different pages to load the coupons list. You can select the coupons you want to print and then send them to your printer – it is just a quicker way to print coupons. I want to highlight a few of my favorite coupons on this list:
$5 Glade Wisp Flameless Candle – great to take to Target, or any store having a sale on these
$1 Muir Glen – take it to Walmart for a great deal on diced tomatoes, also if your store has the small cans of tomato paste you can get them for a few pennies
$1 Cascadian Farm – also a great coupon to take to Walmart or any store that has this cereal, granola bars, or frozen veggies on sale
Thanks for your support and please leave a comment to let me know what your experience is printing coupons this way – whether it is faster, works for you, or doesn’t work for you.

For those of you using Firefox and the add-in Adblock plus, you’ll need to add as a trusted site. You can do that by going to Tools > Adblock Plus and then selecting “Add Filter.” Once there, add @@ (the @@ is important) to your filter list. This will prevent Adblock from blocking the banner that has “print all coupons”Hope this is helpful!
The pop up box on “See all coupons” worked. The other link (my at the bottom of that box did not work for me.Hugs,Melinda
I love this new coupon system b/c it is easier to see right off what I will need and print! Thanks soo much.
Works fabulous! Thanks for making everything so easy…..
it printed great … really quick …. thanks alot and thanks for all the freebies.
Soooooo much better! Soooooo much faster! I love the link from your blog instead! Thanks for making it even easier for me!
Too funny, I was just about to email you and ask about your new thingy!I will try and print later when I have printer access. Thanks for the heads up on the Glade Wisp.:)
I just used it – it was fast and easy! Great addition!