Sorry, no longer available.  Update: Please load this coupon first, because some people are unable to load it to their account – I didn’t think it was an exclusive coupon since I never received an email about it, but it’s hard to tell what restrictions their are on it.  Unfortunately if you can’t load the coupon to your account, then it means you can’t use it.  Sorry!
Get your 12 FREE Cards (up to $26.28 value) from Shutterfly with the coupon code PICKONE and shipping varies from $2.49 to $5.99if you have all 12 cards sent back to you. This is a brand new coupon code!  Why not combine it with the 3 free 5×7 Greeting Cards if you haven’t already used it.  I”m ordering 15 – 5×7 Greeting Cards for a total of $5.99 (plus applicable sales tax).  If you order the 5×7 greeting cards,  you can make 12 different card designs (the other card sizes come in sets of 12). A big thanks goes to My DFW Mommy for sharing this new photo deal!
Here are your choices on what size cards you can order plus the shipping cost for each:
*MY PICK* 12 free 5×7 greeting cards ($26.28 value, $5.99 shipping, you can order 10 different cards)
*CHEAPEST* 12 free 4×8 or 5×7 photo cards ($8.28 or $10.68 value, $2.49 shipping)
12 free 3×5 stationery cards ($20.28 value, $4.99 shipping)
12 free 4×5 stationery cards ($16.68 value, $4.99 shipping)
12 free 5×5 or 5×7 stationery cards ($25.08 value, $5.99 shipping)
Here’s how to load that coupon code into your account: 234x90
1. Log in to Shutterfly and click on “My Account” at the very top right. Or sign-up for a new account and get 50 free prints.
2. “Enter Special Offer Code” is at the bottom of the page, load the coupon code PICKONE into your account.
3. See your code in your account when you click on “My Special Offers” and it will ask you anytime you checkout if you’d like to apply it to your order. The expiration date is Sunday, August 22.
4. Select your Card Design: Go to “Store” in the top menu then “Cards” and you can “Shop by Card Type” and select type of card you want.
5. Just pay shipping (and applicable sales tax) when you order your 12 free cards. When you use your coupon it does not apply towards standard shipping which costs between $2.49 and $5.99 if you have all 12 cards sent back to you.
6. Expires Sunday, August 22 so don’t forget to design and order your 12 cards before this coupon code expires!

Which photo card design did you select? Please leave a comment to share which design you selected!

Find the hottest Photo deals at Freebies 4 Mom
