4 Tips for Creating a SIMPLE Service Project #Fiskars4Kids #cfk #cbias #shop

Donating to kids in need is one of the most rewarding actions I’ve taken. I encourage you to join Fiskars and Champions for Kids in creating your own SIMPLE Service Project to benefit kids in your local community. You can help encourage creativity in kids who need basic craft supplies like Fiskars kids scissors and craft tools. I recently made a donation of kids scissors, craft tools and more supplies to Boys and Girls Country, a charity that provides a home for up to 88 children from troubled situations. They are truly making a difference in my community and have raised over 1,300 children since they were founded in 1971. Learn more about creating your own SIMPLE Service Project on the Champions for Kids website plus I have some tips to share with you to help you get started.

4 Tips for Creating a SIMPLE Service Project

1. Start with YOU – Anyone can lead a donation drive. You have the skills to organize and deliver donations. It starts with YOU because YOU can make a difference in your community!

2. Look LOCAL – Look all around you for local charities that serve children. Talk to community centers and churches to find out which charities they work with. You can also Google “Children’s Charity YOUR CITY” but be sure you do a little research on charities that are new to you to be sure they are legitimate. You can read reviews of charities at the Better Business Bureau. Ask the charity what their needs are or look for a wishlist on their website.

3. Tell Everyone – Once you’ve identified the local charity you’ll donate to, tell everyone you know. Tell people you see every day and email your friends that live in your area. Tell everyone what specifically you’re collecting to donate to the charity and when you’re making the donation.

4. Make It Happen – You can make it happen by following-up with everyone you’ve talked to about your donation drive and delivering the items you collect. Turn your donation drive into a party and get your kids involved!

Handprint Sunflowers Kids Craft #Fiskars4Kids #cfk #cbias #shop

I’m a huge fan of both handprint artwork and sunflowers, so I selected the Handprint Sunflowers from the Fiskars Crafting Projects to make with my 6-year-old. Supplies we used for this craft project included: Fiskars Kids Scissors, Fiskars Seal of Approval X-Large Easy Squeeze Punch, washable yellow kid’s paint, brown paper grocery bags, brown craft paper and green craft paper. This craft is so simple, but produces beautiful sunflowers made from your child’s handprint.

Making the handprints is fun! Just paint yellow kid’s paint on one hand then press it against the brown paper from the grocery bag. We made 12 yellow handprints then let them dry for a few hours before my son cut them out. The center of the sunflower is made using the Fiskars Seal of Approval Punch which is the best punch I’ve every used (it doesn’t make your hand hurt like other punches and it’s easy enough for kids to use). My son punched out about 50 brown circles to use for the center. I stapled the 12 yellow handprints onto a large brown circle, then my son helped me glue the crumpled brown circles in the middle of the sunflower. We added a few green leaves and then stuck our Handprint Sunflower to the front of a grocery bag full of supplies to donate. Complete instructions are available for Handprint Sunflowers plus there are more crafts to explore from Fiskars.

Buying Fiskars, Crayola & Elmer's to Donate #Fiskars4Kids #cfk #cbias #shop

I enjoyed buying basic craft supplies at Walmart as part of my donation drive. I was able to buy several specific items that were on the wish list of Boys and Girls Country. I made my money go a little further by buying Fiskars kids scissors on sale, finding large packages of Elmer’s Glue Sticks on clearance, and using coupons on Crayola products. I tried to stick to basic craft supplies because I know that with 88 kids they will surely get used!  When I purchased the craft supplies, the cashier asked me if I was a teacher. I told her I was making a donation to Boys and Girls Country and told her a little about the charity. She was happy that I was making such a large donation and told me about her recent visit to a homeless shelter that her cousin works at. The conclusion of our conversation was “It feels good to give back!”

Donating Craft Supplies to Boys & Girls Country #Fiskars4Kids #cfk #cbias #shop

With the help of my neighbors and friends, I was able to donate a lot more than just the craft supplies I purchased. In total I gathered 7 grocery bags and one large box of craft and school supplies plus paper towels and posterboard. I drove to Boys and Girls Country for the first time and I was impressed with their facility – it just felt like a great home for kids. I love the work that this charity is doing for kids and I definitely plan on donating to them in the future. I would like to thank Fiskars for helping me buy craft supplies for this service project.

You can get updates from Fiskars on Facebook and Champions for Kids on Facebook. Tell them about what you’re donating by tweeting @Fiskars_HQ and @Champions4Kids because they would love to hear from you!

I know that every one of my readers can also create their own SIMPLE Service Project and I want to hear from you: How has my story inspired you to donate to kids?

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