Like discarded on the sidewalk as if the coupon were trash? I was walking into Kroger last week and I saw a Kroger Catalina laying on the sidewalk, a little trampled but still completely legible. It was a coupon for a free bouquet of flowers, as part of this Good Housekeeping promotion. It was a coupon I was familiar with because I had accidentally purchased the items required to trigger it printing for me at the register and had enjoyed my free flowers last week. The flowers only cost $3.33, but free was the only way they were coming home with me so I was happy to find another coupon to use!

And all because I was looking at where I was going, spyed a coupon on the ground (oh, these litter bugs!), and was able to use it before it expired. So, you never know where you’ll find your next freebie? It reminded me of a coupon tip I wrote “7 Tips for Gathering Coupons as you Shop“, so I wanted to mention it, especially for my new readers.

Keep an eye out for those stray coupons at the Grocery Store, you will be surprised that some people will throw away wonderful coupons simply because they don’t use any coupons (yes, there are those type of people out there – I know you aren’t one of them!). Or it may just be accidental or intentional littering.
