🌮Sweeps Old El Paso Taco 2.22.22uesday (ends 2/28)

Please enter the current Sweepstakes instead of this expired one.

Enter once for a chance to win the Old El Paso Taco 2.22.22uesday Sweepstakes. There will be 900 winners of a kit that includes: one jersey apron, one letter, one trading card pack, one branded port speaker, one package of Old El Paso Stand N’ Stuff Shells, one package of Old El Paso Stand N’ Stuff Tortilla Bowls, and one package of Old El Paso Taco Seasoning (value $46.55). This sweeps started February 17 and ends February 28 which breaks down to about 75 winners per day. Thanks goes to Sweeties Sweeps for sharing!

Win even more sweepstakes when you subscribe!
