Post-It Flags and Notes free sample (no longer available)
The Post-It Flags are one of my favorite office products. I have just started using them as bookmarks because I can mark my spot on the page with them and when my toddler grabs my book, the bookmark doesn’t fall out! I’ve listed coupons, rebates, and mail-in offers below. Be sure to combine them if possible (i.e. buy Post-It Flags with a coupon, then do the mail-in rebate or the mail-in offer).
Save $1 on ANY Post-It product (exp. 12/31/07)
Save $3 off two Post-It Flag products (exp. 12/31/08)
Get $2.50 back by mail-in rebate for Post-It Flags (exp. 12/31/07)
Save $2.50 on Post-It Super Sticky Recycled product (exp. 12/31/07)

Save $1 on Post-It Sortable Cards (exp. 3/31/08)
Save your Post-It UPCs and choose your freebie!
Mail-in the forms below for any of these items when you buy $15 of Post-It products (you can do all four). You must mail in the UPCs and your receipt. All offers expire 12/31/07.
Post-It Portable Flags and Notes

Post-It Note Dispenser
Chili’s Gift Card for $5
McDonald’s Gift Certificates for $5
Win an iPOD Shuffle on
If you like to enter sweepstakes, this is one worth checking out. Last month I won a Timbuktu tote bag by entering this daily sweepstakes. The sweepstakes offers change every month. Good luck!

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