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Did you know you can get 24/7 support on your tech devices (no matter where you bought them) from Best Buy’s Total Tech Support? Yes, it’s that easy to get support! Best Buy’s Total Tech support is a membership to support the tech in your home (it doesn’t matter where or when you bought it). You will save money because they offer $49.99 in-home services, 20% savings on repairs and protection plans (Geek Squad Protection and AppleCare Products). No matter where you are, you can get 24/7 support in-store, on the phone or with chat over the internet.

I’m planning on buying my next dishwasher at Best Buy so I was happy to learn that they offer $49.99 installation of dishwashers, over the range microwave, gas appliances (dryer & range) and garbage disposals. Don’t let the install of a new home theater overwhelm you because with a Total Tech Membership you can get $49.99 TV connect, TV mounting, basic audio install, harmony remote setup, cord cutting and TV calibration.

Share the Total Tech Membership with your friends on Twitter! Please Retweet me:

I received compensation in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card from Best Buy for this post. Please read my Disclosure Policy.
