šŸ„šFree eBook: Unscrambled Eggs ($0.99 value)

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Enjoy this free poetry eBook (normally $0.99) by Nadia Brown only through June 15. Click on the “Unscrambled Eggs” book cover to get it. Read it from your phone, tablet or computer using free apps.

Unscrambled Eggs $0.00

by Nadia Brown

“Profound and riveting, this is a 60 poem book collection with poetry that enlightens, speaks the way of life and the world. The poems from Unscrambled Eggs has a universal appeal, and is true to life in form. Unscrambled Eggs was written over a five year period and is an honest and thought-provoking book that deals with everyday life issues. It is a stirring compilation of poems about living your dream and finding one’s purpose.

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