I recommend a quick visit to Yoplait.com to find out what they are offering as part of a new special promotion. I’m sure you’ll like it and we have Coupon Pro to thank for sharing it!
Find the hottest Freebies by Mail from Freebies 4 Mom
I recommend a quick visit to Yoplait.com to find out what they are offering as part of a new special promotion. I’m sure you’ll like it and we have Coupon Pro to thank for sharing it!
I have enjoyed Yoplait yogurt for a very long time. Todays choice was Red Raspberry, not the first time for this on either, I usually like it. This time however, I found so many seeds I found it to be less then what I’ve come to expect from Yoplait. What happened, The mixer dude let the berry seeds get away from him??? I’ll be pickin my teeth for a month, and yes there were way too many seeds for the amount of yogurt.
Thanks for posting, Heather!
In certain states, dairy laws prevent us from sending a coupon for a free cup of yogurt, so will send an alternate coupon instead. Sorry about that!
Thanks Alot!!
TN has dairy laws too. bummer
FL works….Thanks!
Bummer that the coupon for a free yogurt doesn’t work in California! Don’t know what the alternate coupon will be, but I guess it is against the dairy laws in CA to give away free yogurt.
wow, apparently we have “dairy laws” in MN preventing them from sending me a coupon for a free cup!
I love YoPlait they have tons of great flavors.
Not available in Louisiana because of a “dairy law”.. Strange! I got a coupon instead so still good.