Pink is a passionate color. When I created my blog, Freebies 4 Mom, I was passionate about helping people save money. I was struggling living paycheck to paycheck and wanted to turn around my family’s finances so we could start saving more and spending less. I was passionate about helping others while I helped myself. Pink was the color that I selected to help me express my passion to my blog readers.
Pink hasn’t always been my favorite color. When I was a little girl, my bedroom was painted my choice of ballerina pink. As I entered my teenage years, I started to actually dislike the color pink because I was having a difficult time embracing my feminine side. I realized that I was living in a world where things were slightly in favor of men, especially in my chosen career field of engineering.
As I gained work and life experience, I grew more comfortable with being a woman in a male-dominated field. Them I become a Mom and I really embraced my feminine side and became proud of being a woman who was smart enough to do anything I put my mind to. And I started wearing pink more…not the soft ballerina pink from my childhood, but a bold pink that made me smile. Since my blog is my online extension of myself, it should boldly wear pink too.
What’s your favorite color and what emotions and memories does it evoke for you?
A few things I couldn’t categorize…Ramblings 4 Mom
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Pink loving, coupon using engineer here as well :) love it!!
Awesome! Thanks for dropping by my blog!
Oh, a kindred spirit! Another engineer who has learned to embrace her analytical pink side. Thanks for letting me know there are others out there.
I liked your story :) You should post more!
Loved hearing your story! Pink looks great on you, so I’m glad you came to love it! :)
My favorite color is blue, because it helps me relax!
INTERESTING! I too just started, this year, embracing/wearing pink. Shying away [too] because it was girl color. But I love that it’s bright, vibrant, fun loving & girlie!
Silver and gold. They remind me of the sparkle of hollywood and where I want to be in life
My favorite color is teal! For me, the color teal makes me feel carefree, vibrant, and gives the feeling that I can conquer the world. Maybe not the entire world, but at least I can conquer my own world! :)
When we were remodeling our kitchen, my husband asked me what color I wanted it to be (thinking I would say something neutral)…what came out of my mouth was teal! He laughed at me thinking I was completely off my rocker, but there is something about teal in my kitchen that inspired me to cook healthier meals for my family. Being in my kitchen doesn’t seem like a daunting task anymore because I actually like when I am in there…it give me a sense of feeling whole in my space.
I’ve always been partial to my birthstone color, purple. But I have a daughter that is in love with all things pink! We’ve read pinkalicious so many times I think I’m going to turn pink! As coincidence would have it, I’m wearing a bright pink t-shirt right now! And I bought it all by myself. I apparently underestimated the power of the pink side!
Thanks for sharing your backstory with pink :)
I have never really liked pink either until the past few years. But I have 5 girls and have had to grow to love it. Now, I find myself wearing pink and even buying pink for my house. Weird. But I love this post! You look great in pink and I don’t think I have seen you wear anything else. I think I would not recognize you if you were wearing something else! :)
Thanks for reading – tell me when you’ll be at a Houston Blogging Chicks meeting and I’ll try to wear something non-pink ;)