Sorry, Squiz contacted me directly to let me know they’ve reached their limit on this free promotion and it’s no longer available. Squiz Cards are like mini business or contact cards. Order 50 FREE personalized Squiz Cards with a card dispenser ($24.40 value) using the coupon code *EXPIRED* and your total will be $0.00 (shipping is covered by that coupon code). No credit card is needed to place your order with this special coupon code (enter it as a Gift Certificate then click “Apply”), but you do need to register to place an order. Thanks goes to Rockin’ Deals for sharing!
The Squiz Cards are full color 2 3/8″ by 1 2/8″ waterproof contact cards with round corners that fit inside a waterproof dispenser that’s like a keychain. Of course this deal is while supplies last and I expect their website to be running slowly as they get a huge influx of freebie orders today. Your time is valuable, so don’t spin your wheels if you get errors on their website due to high traffic volumes.
1891 total views , 1 views today
We received ours this week and they are great! I would recommend them to anyone!
Just tried it. Took so long the other day that it would not load. Finally got through the whole process and it is saying that the code is not valid. Must have expired or reached it’s limit.
I’m so sad I missed this free promotion. It looks so kool! I would pay but prefer to try it out first so the free deal would have been great =(
He helped me out this morning!!!! Super excited to get mine :)
If you missed it, make sure you scroll back to Roger’s ( from Squiz Cards) comment from yesterday. Send him an email with the subject line he mentioned. I’m sure he’ll help you out!
Stink! I have been trying all day also… even had it all designed at one point, and then it timed out! And now it says its expired… no good. i was so excited… :(
These are pretty awesome – I missed the giveaway, but you can tell Squiz the promotion worked – I put in a paid order anyway!
I am SO bummed! I tried for HOURS today to get through and the page would never load properly… Would love to have gotten these.
Awe..I’m so sad, I had it ready to make :(
I’ve been trying for hours to get through…then see it’s expired. Bummer!!!
I tried and tried and never got through :(
I just came back after ordering to say Thank you! It took me off and on all day, and I almost lost it when my 19 month old came over and closed the lid on my laptop, but it looks like it’s been completed. I used a photo we recently took of me and my eldest daughter at Disneyland. Thought it would be fun for sharing! ” )
These are so dang awesome… so excited to get them in the mail
I just did a few minutes ago and it was still working……slow but working and received it for free with the same code.
While I did not get this promotion , and actually I wouldn’t get it, I would leave it for someone else., thank you so much for posting it! What an amazing deal. I hope everyone who did get it posts where they found the deal posted and also about the company- free means give back when you can. Peace to all..Joe
It took forever and half! But I completed it on time! Thank you SO much! I cant wait to get them!
Hi Boni and Rachel,
If you send me your email and I’ll send a new code to use. Apologies for the site slowness, there has been such overwhelming support. Your patience will be rewarded.
yours sincerely,
I just ordered mine a couple of minutes ago. Earlier the website was too slow. It’s not bad now & the promo code worked. Thank you!
Took a long time, but I did get them! Yay!
That’s crummy! I have been trying all day too and my file wouldn’t upload. :((((((
ARGH!!!! Have been trying since 9AM…… SO cute and would love to have them…. wasted my day!!
Hi it is Roger here from
Thanks for your support with our latest free offer.
We have reached our limit for this promotion and the Code has now been
We will be doing another offer shortly and will let you know. Please send me an email with subject line FREE SquizCards – Freebies4mom promo.
Thanks again for your support.
Sales and Marketing Manager
These are cute – thanks! The site is so slow because of this great promo!
Its taking a while, but I’m sticking it out. I’m a teacher, so I’m making cards to give the parents of my students, with the school phone number and my email address.
Man it took me forever but I finally got it ordered. Thanks so much. Cant wait to get them!
Got mine! Thanks for the post! Yes, it took forever, but it’s a neat freebie and worth the wait!
Thanks for the 50 free squiz cards!!! This was so great. I just opened a bakery from my home and needed a way to get the word out!! thanks
Got mine. Thanks!!!
Thanks for this great deal! I’m excited, they’re so pretty. I got through, but waiting on pic to load.
I got mine! Took about (40) minutes from start to finish, but I got them. Very excited.
I keep getting the webpage is not available. I wonder if they shut it down.
It took FOREVER but I was able to get through to the very end and add in the code, and when I hit summit order BAM it screwed up:( oh well I am going to keep trying and trying and trying untl it works
STILL trying to get it to go through…since about 10 AM. Thanks for the awesome tip!
Cute cards! My order finally went through. It took about 45 minutes. Thanks for posting!
Was almost done and got booted. Now I can’t even ge back onto the website! Will keep trying!
I’ve been working on it since this morning, but it finally went through. Definitely worth the effort, looks like a great product.
Yeppie!! Finally finished my order. It was slow and took like almost 3 hours to finish but i was finally able to place my order
These are so cute! Thank you!
yay! after a million tries, it finally went through!! thanks a bunch!
DONE! Took a waaaaay too long lunch at work to do it (luckily I had lots of reading to do between page loads) but now my mommy cards are on their way.
Thank you for a great deal!
Tank you so much!! Wat fun, got something fun and crazy!! You are one of the best
Finally got mine!!! :-)
Ohhh so sad … URL not valid :((( Bummer that I am too late but thank you so much for sharing!!
Cant get it to load! Ive been trying for 2 hours (off and on) and will keep trying! Thanks for the post!
WOW….Spent the last hour trying to get mine done, but I think it will be worth it when I am finally done!
These are so neat, very excited to receive ’em. Yeah, it took a while (time outs, errors, etc.) but worth it for FREEEEE! Thanks!
thank you so much for this offer. I placed mine today. Took a while with all the orders pouring in. But I got a confirmation number and my order was accepted.
thanks again
FINALLY! It was slow, took me all morning, but I finally got the order placed! What a cute idea, happy to free shipping too! Good luck to all!
Very slow…but I tried using Firefox and iExplorer. In the end iExplorer won out. Took about 40 minutes for it to go through. Thanks for the freebie tip :)
Not working keeps telling me my page cant load… :-(
Love this!! But like the others said, it’s slow. Can’t even get the page to load. Thanks for sharing though! I’ll definitely be checking back. I did just get 50 free “mommy Cards” from kodak, they seem similar to these, thanks for that post too!!
Not for those in a hurry. :) Thank you, Heather, for passing this along.
It was slow, but I finally got mine ordered. Thanks!
slow :(
Loading slowly but surely :)
woah! Thanks! I badly need this!
Got through the design, but a little slow adding to cart. Will keep trying though, because these are awesome!
not loading right now, but will check back later. thanks
Definitely running slow today, as expected! Will keep trying!