Free House Party: American Girl Bitty BabyI’m sorry you missed this freebie, but please check more Free Samples currently available. Apply to host an American Girl Bitty Baby House Party on Saturday, October 5 and you’ll get free hostess supplies. Your party pack will include: Bitty Baby Doll Set, additional picture story book, doll outfit and plush animal, Bitty Baby coloring sheets, puzzles, wishing stars and more for your guests, tip sheets for moms and more. There will be 1,200 applications accepted. Complete the application honestly, because they aren’t necessarily looking for hosts who can throw the biggest parties.

Find another House Party to apply for and see what’s coming up next. Each party uses different criteria to select the hosts and not everyone who applies will be selected. This is a word-of-mouth marketing campaign where companies give customers an opportunity to advertise for them. Please leave a comment to tell us how your party went or contact me.

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