Yes and No. They are free in the sense that they require no output of money on your part. They are not free in the sense that you are permitting a company to take a little bit of your time and accept their three dimensional advertisement into your home. It costs this company money to advertise, manufacture, and mail you the free sample. So, you pay for the free sample with your time and the company pays by allocating resources to this form of advertising.
I want to encourage you to ponder this as you decide which free samples to request. I always encourage my readers to only request those free samples that their household can use. If you do obtain free samples that your household won’t use, please consider donating them.
By offering free samples, companies have a unique marketing opportunity by placing their product in your household. But no matter how influential this marketing may be – remember that you are the decision-maker about what items you buy for your household. Be a smart consumer and be aware of how much you pay for the things you buy. Compare prices with other brands selling similar products. Consider eliminating the product entirely from your shopping list (i.e. I no longer buy fabric softener sheets). Question the claims on products performance that are made by the manufacturer.
Use me as a resource, but remember that I am just relaying that best of the free sample offers I find. I am not usually personally recommending the products I blog about, but I will chime in with my experience or opinion. In your free sampling adventures, please remember that free samples aren’t really free.
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Freebies are so fun! I love being surprised by a ‘gift’ in my mailbox everyday. I am trying to blog about my own freebie finds but I get on a roll requesting them, then forget to write down the details to put in my blog! I request some things even though I know I don’t need them and then donate them to a local women’s shelter. Its fun and I get to help people!
Great minds think alike. Here’s my post from a little while ago. Scotsman
I love your theory on requesting freebies. Why order something just because it is free. I would love to know your thoughts on people who do surveys and fudge their way through them just to get the money.
I love your blog. I love the “freebies” that I get because I get a chance to try a product without spending the money to see if I like it. I also send samples to my son in college (he loves getting mail) and my Mom who is on a budget. Thanks ~~ Joanne ~~
Heather, you are wise. I linked to your blog earlier in the week for your advise on coupons as ads. So wise. You are blessed with wisdom and I appreciate you passing it on to newbies like me. God bless!
Hi – just want to let you know that I visit your blog daily. I wrote about you and some other frugal blogs today, along with a 200+ coupon giveaway.Thanks for all your great tips.