👜4 Ways to Squelch A “Want”

    TipsThere was this purse I saw on Amazon that I instantly fell in love with and thought “I have to get this purse, it is so ME!”. But I didn’t buy it because the pricetag was over $200 – and I’ve never bought a purse that costs anywhere near that much.

    I squelched my desire to buy it by printing out a picture of it and filing it away (so it was […]


    By |2024-12-05T04:12:26-06:00December 5, 2024 2:00 pm|Categories: Deals, Savings Tips|Tags: |3 Comments

      🍎4 Savings Tips for Back To School

      4 Savings Tips for Back To SchoolIt’s exciting to get the kids ready to go back to school, but it’s also stressful to figure out how we’re going to buy everything without spending a lot of money. Pin these Back to School Savings Tips to find it quickly later!

      1. Love Lists

      Work with your kids to make a […]


      By |2024-08-04T11:32:25-05:00July 29, 2024 12:00 pm|Categories: Deals, Savings Tips|Tags: , , |0 Comments

        💊How to get coupons on prescription medication

        senior-discounts-on-prescription-drugsI love this coupon tip from Coupon Dad!!! Based on personal experience, they tell you how to search for a coupon on your prescription medication. Sometimes the manufacturer of the medication offers a coupon or discount program. Just Google “Co-Pay Coupon Card NAME OF MEDICATION” to see if you can find a coupon or discount program for your medication. Or visit the website of the company that manufactures the medication.

        Here’s Coupon […]


        By |2021-08-11T12:52:38-05:00June 21, 2019 2:02 pm|Categories: Deals, Savings Tips|0 Comments

          🛒3 Places to Look for Coupons for your Favorite Brand

          CouponsLet’s say you have a favorite brand that you buy on a regular basis. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a money-saving coupon for your favorite brand?

          Here are 4 places to check for coupons:

          1. Brand Website

          This is an obvious place to check, but since brands change their website every single day there might just be a new coupon featured! Look for the following sections to find a coupon: “Special Offers” or […]


          By |2021-08-11T12:54:18-05:00June 19, 2019 12:05 pm|Categories: Deals, Savings Tips|0 Comments

            💰Heather’s Savings Story

            Why should you SAVE? Why do I SAVE?

            Being frugal is smart. It doesn’t matter what your income is, because how you spend your money reflects on what values you have. Smart people save money in many different ways. I save money by taking advantage of freebies to help me stretch my budget on consumable products like food, household items, and entertainment. I blog to help you save money […]


            By |2021-08-11T15:00:41-05:00October 13, 2011 9:00 am|Categories: Deals, Savings Tips|Tags: |5 Comments
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