AdPerk is no longer offering Parenting or Redbook. Earn a free subscription to either Parenting or Redbook magazines by watching Johnson’s baby ads on AdPerk.  I finally tried ths new program, and I have to admit that I like how it works! It took some encouragement from one of my readers, V., here’s what she said after I told her I finally did it to earn my free Redbook subscription:

I was reluctant at first too, but they had a magazine I wanted so I figured I would give it a shot and if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t stick with it. I also wondered if I would actually get the magazines, but they do come. Some of the ads are really cheesy or for products I will never use. But so are TV commercials and I don’t get free stuff for watching those!” -V.
So how long did it take me to earn my free Redbook subscription? 18 minutes (and I was multi-tasking while I watched & listened to the ads). You have to watch ads to earn credits for the free magazine subscription that you want. After each ad, you have 30 seconds to enter the code on the screen to confirm that you watched the ad – the sound also stops at the close of the ad so it’s easy to catch the end if you aren’t staring at it at that moment. You can also adjust the sound easily, and if miss entering a code you can just watch the ad again. I liked that I could see my free magazine issues adding up to a subscription at the top of the site – made it really easy to see how many more ads I had to view before I could “checkout”. The best part was that there were no tedious survey questions about the ads to watch at the end!

Since we are talking about Johnson’s – thanks to Money Saving Mom I found out there is a new coupon to Save $2 on 2 Johnson’s Buddies products (print it twice)! I’ll be taking my coupons to either Walmart, Target, CVS, or Kroger for free soap!
I look forward to seeing what’s new on AdPerk in the future. They say they”ll be offering more magazines like Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and Smart Money. I would definitely like to earn that Smart Money subscription!

Update 8/15/08: I got my first issue of Redbook magazine. This means that AdPerk really does work!

Update 9/25/08: I got my first issue of Ode, a magazine for “intelligent optimists”. Actually I got the Sept. and Oct. issues on the same day. Currently you can still request Ode as well as Field & Stream magazines from AdPerk. More titles will be available soon! I love AdPerk! I am so surprised, but it really is a good source of free magazines.

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