When I was in college for engineering, we learned how to apply continuous improvement to solve technical problems. I love the concept of continuous improvement so I try to apply it to all aspects of my life, including my resume! Here’s how I approach updating my resume to achieve continuous improvement:

* When I go to any type of job search workshop, I bring my resume. That’s because while we’re talking about job searching, sometimes I think of some way I’d like to update my resume. If I have my resume with me, I can mark it up right then before I forget what I wanted to change.
* Instead of making several versions of my resume, I treat each job I apply for as an opportunity to improve my resume.
* My resume started as one page, but now it’s two pages. As I learn more about keywords for job descriptions and think about how best to describe my job experience, I’m adding to my resume. When I was in college it was drilled into my head that my resume had to be one page. But now it’s ok for your resume to be one or two pages.
* I’m challenging myself to go into further detail on my resume each time I updated it. One example is my skills section, which used to be one section and now is three sections:  Marketing Skills, Professional Skills and Computer Skills.
Saving old versions of my resume in an “Old Resumes” folder is how I’m able to go back to look at previous versions. Sometimes I remove things from my resume and then change my mind and want to add them back. This way I don’t have to remember exactly what I removed, I can just go back and look!

What do you apply continous improvement to?
