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Enjoy this free childrenā€™s eBook (normally $2.99) by Kathy Brandon only thru March 19. Click on the ā€˜Kindle Unlimitedā€™ button under the book cover to download for free. Read it from your phone, tablet or computer using free apps. Make sure the purchase price is still $0.00 because it could change at any time!

The Adventures of Nonna and the Little Red Truck in Summertime $0.00

by Kathy Brandon

ā€œItā€™s summertime and the young narrator is visiting his Nonna and Papa. From blueberry picking to nature walks to baking pie, Nonna has an exciting activity for each day of the week.

They embark on these adventures with Titan, the dog, in the little red truck. At each stop, the young boy hears new sounds and experiences new activities.ā€

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