Enjoy this free eBook by Everett Peacock (normally $4.99) only through Monday, July 9. Click on the book’s cover artwork to download it for free. Read it from your phone, tablet or computer using free apps.
In The Middle of the Third Planet’s Most Wonderful of Oceans $0.00 (normally $2.99)
by Everett Peacock
“You know, many a time there comes a sequel to the “perfect” movie, the “perfect” book or our idea of the “perfect” anything; and all too often the second offering comes up a little (or a lot) short. Occasionally, though, we are blessed with the “perfect” follow up and can revel in its wonder and wonder at its perfection. I guess that is what this book is for me. Wait a minute…don’t get me wrong here…this book and its editing, presentation and formatting is not, in any manner, perfect. Thankfully, none of its flaws are fatal to the enjoyment of the tale. So what is perfect about it? For me it is the author’s ability to again draw you into the continuation of the original story, in its original context, with an added bit of the ugliness and harshness of life thrown into the mix. You end up with a balanced product which is hard not to fall in love with.” (image credit: Everett Peacock)
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