You’ve missed this freebie, but you’ll find all of the Freebies here.
Sorry, the 50 points is no longer available, but earn more RecycleBank codes here. Login to RecycleBank to click on “Get 50 points now” at the bottom of the page. Then go look at the “Hot Deals” for a
$2.00 off one Kashi Product for only 10 points and other discounted coupons to print or get by mail.
If you are new to RecycleBank, get free RecycleBank codes from my previous posts.
RecycleBank is an easy way for everyone to get some high-value coupons. If you live in an area that is participating in RecycleBank, then you get points for what you recycle. But everyone can still sign-up for RecycleBank and earn points other ways too! You can now refer-a-friend for 10 points (this is my referral link above).
Earn high-value coupons with RecycleBank codes at Freebies 4 Mom
Thanks, got a $6 off coupon for Olive Garden!
For some darn reason, I have tried to sign in multiple times. And even if I press any other link button, it always goes back to the homepage. Something must be down right now. Doh, and esp. since I just bought a box of Kashi bars last night without this coupon!
If you use the back button on your browser, you can print each coupon you order twice.
Didn’t they used to have a catalog to choose prizes from? Did that go away when they changed their web page?
Just a note you can only print one of these Kashi coupons per WEEK. I ordered two with my points and was only able to print one.