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292 total views , 1 views today
great sample.. who doesn't need TP!i love your site heather, i check it many time though out the day, keep up the great work!
Sue – The number of YouData ads available to view depends on how many paid advertisers are offering ads. The demand for YouData has exceede the number of ads available, but they expect the number of ads to increase in the near future.I delete a very small percentage of comments, only ones that are obvious spam, harshly negative, or discriminatory towards any group of people. I want to keep this a positive place! -HeatherFreebies 4 Mom
One comment concerning "You Data"(that is if you don't delete it, as i notice you delete comments that you don't like)I have noticed that you data practically does not exist. There have not been ads on there in ages?Has the site gone bankrupt??Thanks-Sue
Thanks for a great find!