See my latest post for an update on this offer:×14-collage-poster-free.html
I love these free Shutterfly photo book promotions! Go to Dreft’s website to fill out the form to register for a chance to receive a code by e-mail to redeem for a free 20-page 5×7 photo book on Shutterfly’s website (you will need to pay shipping & handling). Here is the catch – they are giving out only 1,000 each day! This offer is time-sensitive and goes to the first 1,000 registrants each day (the day starts at 12 midnight Eastern time). I recommend registering for this offer at 12:01 am Eastern time. If you don’t get the free photo book, you will get a code for 20% off (I signed-up at 8:30 am this morning and got the 20% off code in my e-mail). They are only giving out 15,000 free photo books (1,000 per day), so that means this promotion will likely end on Nov. 13 (assuming it started today). The promotional code for the free book doesn’t expire until March 30, 2008 so you will have plenty of time to create your masterpiece. Good luck!
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I just wanted to thank you for posting very easy-to-understand instructions for getting the free book. I just got my code at 9:10 p.m. on the west coast.I did click through earlier in the day right after I saw the link at Baby Cheapskate and it just went straight to the form. But when I clicked through at 9:10, there was an initial page that said “Create a free book” or something like that. And when I clicked the link at the bottom of the page, then I was on the page with the form. So maybe if you get the page with the form first, you know you’re not one of the first 1,000 that day?
Holy Cow! I read this promo on Baby Cheapskate Blog and it directed me to this one at 11:59 pm CST. I checked my world clock and realized I had one minute to get my little butt over to Dreft’s website and register. I registered 30 seconds after midnight and I GOT ONE with the right promo code for the free 20 page book! Thanks so much for the info!! Awesome!
It’s 6:30 am est and I got 20% off.
I forgot, the message is the same for book and 20% off so it is very deceiving!! “Your email with the promotion code for your free photo book is on its way! Soon you’ll be able to create, print, and share your special photo book from Dreft® and Shutterfly.”That’s not fair!! :)(I was sent over from Baby Cheapskate btw.)
I did it Tues and got the 20% off but after midnight Eastern time Wed (about 12:25) got the free book BUT I had to have a different address and e-mail. SO definitely wait until Midnight eastern so you only have to register once!! :)
Ok moms, I think by the feedback I’m getting that this one is definitely time sensitive. So – wait and register after 12:00 midnight (Eastern time). Thanks for the success stories!
I got it too, just after 12 EST. These books are awesome too! Thanks for the tip!
I tried it at 12:01 est and I got one. My sister tried right after me and got one as well. I think it may be in order you sign up for that day. Good luck everyone!
It worked for me. Thanks for the great idea. I did it at 12:01 AM–what am I doing up at that time? Not sure. But glad I got the coupon.Thanks.
I’m sorry this is a frustrating freebie to try and get – I just thought that since they were giving away 1,000 a day that the chances were good to score one. I need some success stories – anyone???
I lied. Or rather, their email was quite deceiving. It says “You’re almost ready to start creating your free photo book from Dreft® and Shutterfly” but it’s really just for 20% off. Blah.
I think I got one, too. After I registered, I got this message: “Your email with the promotion code for your free photo book is on its way! Soon you’ll be able to create, print, and share your special photo book from Dreft® and Shutterfly.”9:46 p.m. Tuesday night.
I think I just got one (8:06 PM CST, Tuesday night). Perfect, as I was already making one for the grandparents for Winter Holiday.
Julie – I know, I was bummed when I tried it this morning and got the 20% off. I’m really thinking that this is one of those offers where you have to do at the start of the day (12 midnight Eastern time). Thanks for sharing your experience! I will tell you that I’ve got my eye out for more Shutterfly freebies, so check back often at!
I just signed up (4:15 pm central time) and all I got was the 20% off. No free book. Oh well!