Get a free sample of a John Frieda hair product of your choice from Kroger (look for your grocery store or state below). You can choose from: Luxurious Volume Root Booster, Frizz-Ease Dream Curls Curl Perfecting Spray, Sheer Blonde Highlight Activating Enhancing Shampoo/Conditioner, Frizz-Ease Straight Fixation Smoothing Creme, or Root Awakening Strength Restoring Shampoo/Conditioner.  Thanks goes to Free Stuff 4 Free for sharing! You should receive your sample within 8 to 10 weeks.
This free sample is offered at all of the Kroger Family of Stores, so just look below for your grocery store or state to find the right link to request this sample. You do not have to enter your store loyalty card number in order to receive this sample (it is optional). You can only request one sample per household.

from Kroger – Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia

from Smith’s – Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming

from Fred Meyer – Alaska, California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah

from City Market – Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming

from Dillon’s – Alaska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma

from Fry’s – Alaska, Arizona, Idaho

from Foods Co. – California, Illinois, Nebraska

from QFC – Oregon, Washington

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