This free sample is offered at all of the Kroger Family of Stores, so just look below for your grocery store or state to find the right link to request this sample. You do not have to enter your store loyalty card number in order to receive this sample (it is optional). You can only request one sample per household.
from Kroger – Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia
from Smith’s – Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
from Fred Meyer – Alaska, California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah
from City Market – Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
from Dillon’s – Alaska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma
from Fry’s – Alaska, Arizona, Idaho
from Foods Co. – California, Illinois, Nebraska
from QFC – Oregon, Washington
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444 total views , 1 views today
love free samples, like John Freda products!!!! FREE YES!!!!
Krogers isn’t in PA because of PA’s labor laws…in the 1960’s they used to be….
Ugh…Kroger has such great freebies and they aren’t valid
in PA.
Argh, nothing in Iowa! It seems that Kroeger has really great deals and living in Iowa means I can’t get any of them :(
Thank you for showing that it’s not just the states from “Kroger” that can request this.