Don Victor Coupon CodeYou’ll love the current Hot Deals, sorry you missed this deal. Don Victor provides premium quality gourmet products with superior taste so you can enjoy #HoneyForHolidays. For a limited time buy any 2 #DonVictor products AND get FREE SHIPPING (a $10 value!) with coupon code G5NQDT69YUR1. Visit Padilla Website to redeem the special holiday offer brought to you by #CollectiveBias.

The Don Victor line of honey includes premium orange blossom honey that is 100% pure and natural and is packed with a large piece of honeycomb inside a beautiful glass globe jar. Don Victor also offers a unique line of whipped honey with cinnamon, cocoa, or caramel to create a sweet, creamy spread: perfect for breads and pastries and a fantastic alternative to syrup and butter for kids pancakes and waffles. For a more savory item, Don Victor Extra Virgin Olive Oil is cultivated and harvested from the fields of Jaen, Andalucia, Spain and their decorative, heavy glass cruets look beautiful in any kitchen or table. Don Victor products would make ideal gift this holiday season! What do you think about this delicious deal?

Don Victor Honey and Olive OilThis post is sponsored by #CollectiveBias. My opinions are my own and they are not edited by Collective Bias®Please visit my Disclosure Policy. 

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