Update: 12,500 coupons for a free, 4-count box of Smucker’s Uncrustables Sandwiches will be given away starting with 500 on the first day (9/13 at 11am CT) and 400 each day after that until the promotion ends on 10/13. Get a free package of Smucker’s Uncrustables with coupon by mail when you submit an after-school organizational tip. The free product coupon is available to the first 500 who register for it and you should get it in your mailbox within six weeks of registering. You must wait until 11:00 am CT to submit your tip at the Smuckers site, do not leave your tip as a comment here (since I don’t have any coupons to mail out). Thanks goes to Savvy Spending for the reminder!
Find the hottest Freebies by Mail at Freebies 4 Mom
The promotion has been moved to September 13th. It’s basically the same offer, just postponed.
I was there at the correct time and could not get in.
BOOOO!!!! I just called customer service and was told that they had rescheduled for Sept 13 at noon and it would last until sometime in October. But I was told they were NOT offering coupons at this time! Oh well, maybe I’ll remember on the 13th!
I also called and I got great customer service. They have pulled this promo, but If you are unhappy about this, feel free to call Smuckers at 1-888-550-9555 (9 – 7 EST Monday-Friday- press #4 and then #0 to speak to someone) and tell them.
I am getting coopons sent to me as well.
Have veggie and fruit wash and cut up, So its fast and easy!
Have a drawer with after school snacks for the kids to come in and grab while sitting at the table doing their homework. Leave uncrustables out so by the time they get home they are ready to eat!
Take time to ask how their day was at school and draw pictures of their favorite times.
sunday evenings pack up sandwich bags for the week of crackers, grapes and other snacks, so when the kids walk in they know where to find it quickly!
I let the kids unwind a half hour with a snack, but then all homework needs to be completed before sport practices begin.
Container Snacks in days of the week and then the children can pull 1 snack out of that day, so they always have something different ! Put 1 item in a brown bag, so they dont know what the “surprise’ snack will be.
I have never tried these so I’m looking forward to a coupon! I hope you can get the whole wheat ones with the coupon.
there’s no place on the website to add more I was there at 11 CST and checked back a couple of times
UPDATE #2: At 12 noon I checked the website and didn’t see anything. I called again and was told they just cancelled it at 11 am EST- one hour before it was supposed to go live.
I don’t know what is up with this promo. It is being advertised all over grocery stores and I was told at 9 am it was a go. Not Cool, Smuckers.
If you are unhappy about this, feel free to call Smuckers at 1-888-550-9555 (9 – 7 EST Monday-Friday- press #4 and then #0 to speak to someone) and tell them. The customer service agent I spoke to didn’t know any details or if it would be rescheduled, but he is sending me some coupons.
Freeze things so you don’t waste food!!
Still no luck…but here’s my tip:
When your child returns home from school, sit down with him and review his daily planner (many school districts distribute them as early as first grade). Together, review the homework assignments. Then ask a series of questions to help him set priorities to complete. As he gains more experience setting homework priorities, let him assume more control.
Have a place with a name or certain color for each child and have them put things away as soon as they walk in the door. Then make sure things are put away as they are finished using them.
Put in an extra Smucker uncrustables for the ater school treat at Latchkey or on ride home from school. Saves time by giving one extra time for preparing the evening meal.
Refreshed page many times and it seems they were not offering promotion today, as there was no where to sign up or leave a comment.
I have never tried these so I’m looking forward to a coupon! I hope you can get the whole wheat ones with the coupon.
Do you people not read? That’s so annoying!
Their great for the grandkids when they come over and say Grandma I’m hungry
To keep the kids have having to bring their supplies back and forth, when I buy school supplies, I buy extras and put together a homework kit, making it easier having everything here for them when they need it.
Where do you input the tip? Not on the website at the moment.
Where do you post the tip on their website? I dont see it :(
Tried to get on the website, but didn’t find any link for the coupon or to add a tip!
I have my snacks ready when its time for the bus to run
Organize coupons with plastic photo inserts and put them in a binder
Nothing happened
I have my snacks ready when Its time for the bus to run. 70 hwy 768 rd east,columbia,ky.42728
don’t see anything on the website either :-(
Have all snacks cut up and put in reusable containers in the frig ready for hungry kids
I always send my son outside to play for 30 minutes to release all of his pinned up energy before coming in for snack and homework. They sit without moving from 7:30 to 3:00 everyday. Kids need time to just run off energy! I always have a rain activity in the event of bad weather. But it is very important that he knows he only gets 30 minutes and then it is time for work!
No where on the website to register or put an organizational tip at all.
I was there too!
Have an organizing system by the front door to put in school papers. ONe folder for each child
I love to carry them in my purse for a quick snack if the kids get hungry. Healthy and convinent
there’s no place on the website to add more I was there at 11 CST and checked back a couple of times
LOL at comments above..you have to send your tips on the Uncrustables page..not here!
Have kids do their homework right away when they get home from school. That way you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of the night and they can have the rest of the day/evening for playing.
Have a lunchables waiting for your kids w a glass of milk while they do their homework.
Have a area designated to each child for their school bags, books etc. So everything is right there when they need them.
I store my child’s favorite after-school snacks in easy to open plastic containers and place them in the bottom cabinet where she can just get out whatever she wants when she gets home.
Put all papers into the organizational unit in my kitchen. One folder for each family member. Nothing gets lost.
make up snacks for the week and put into containers in frig. then when they get home, a healthy snack is waiting for them