Chrysler Town & Country wants to spoil a family who deserves a vacation do-over with a $5,000 family vacation! To help spread the word about Chrysler’s new sweepstakes, Chrysler provided me with a gift card to give away. One of my lucky readers will win a $150 prepaid gift card in this giveaway. The gift card can be used on almost anything because it comes in the form of a prepaid gift card from a major credit company. Now go enter the sweeps and then go enter my giveaway (just fill out the short form below).
Win a $5,000 Family Vacation Do-Over
Head over to Chrysler Town & Country on Facebook and share your story about a vacation “gone wrong” to enter their sweepstakes for a chance to win a $5,000 family vacation. They are also randomly giving away prize packs every week. Don’t be intimidated that you have to submit your story, because you’re limited to 1,000 characters (just a few sentences). It’s easy and quick to enter this sweepstakes that ends on September 30. After you enter this sweepstakes, you are welcome to post a link to your vacation story to ask for votes by leaving a comment here and you can also add it to the “Discussions” tab on my Facebook Fan page (just start a new topic).

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Giveaway Guidelines and Disclosure
Chrysler is providing the prize for this promotion at no cost to me. This promotion is not being administered or sponsored in any way by Chrysler or its affiliates, but soley by Freebies 4 Mom. Any questions or comments regarding this promotion must be sent to Freebies 4 Mom and not to Chrysler. I did not receive products or compensation as thanks for hosting this giveaway. My product review is my honest opinion and is not reviewed or edited by Chrysler. For more information about how reviews and giveaways are conducted on Freebies 4 Mom, please read my Disclaimer, Disclosure, and Privacy Policy. The email addresses that I collect for this giveaway will only be used for the purpose of contacting the winner(s), and will never be sold or given to anyone. This giveaway is only open to residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. You may enter only once per person. This giveaway will close Thursday, September 23 at 11:59 pm (CT). I’ll announce the first name and first initial of the last name of the winner(s) in a new post the next day and contact the winner(s) by email. I will draw the names of the winner(s) by using the random number generator at from the eligible entries received. If a winner does not contact me within 72 hours by email, I will draw a new winner. The winner(s) will receive their prize by mail directly from Chrysler and Freebies 4 Mom is not responsible for lost or misdirected prizes (but of course I’ll make every effort to make things right).
Good luck and remember that you need to complete the form above to enter this giveaway. You are welcome and encouraged to post comments here, but comments will not be considered as entries in this giveaway. Just for fun, please leave a comment and tell us where’s your dream family vacation destination? Now start dreaming about winning the sweepstakes or my giveaway!
Thanks for entering and come back after Thursday, September 23 to find out who won, or visit my Winners section under the “Giveaways” category in the menu bar.
Freebies 4 Mom readers are Winners – see what prizes I’ve given away!
family vacations in a nice tropical country would be very very nice ‘;.
i hope i win.
We had been married for 44 years and Hubby had just retired from 37 years in textiles when we went to Florida. Please vote for us to go again. Thank you.
The link to my story is:
I’d love to take the family to Yellowstone sometime. We like to camp at the different National Parks.
My hubby and I want to go to Discovery Cove with the kids for the once in a lifetime experiences- swimming with dophins and rays, floating down the wildlife laden river, sounds like absolute heaven.
Fingers crossed, it’s me. Was laid off today – 11 years with the same company but I guess change is not so bad just very stressful initially :(
I would so love to be able to take my daughter on a trip to Florida and to Disney! I have MS and as a single parent, she has to do a LOT more for me than a typical 13 year old. We’ve never taken a real vacation – EVER! We’ve always just gone to visit family and I try to stop and have her see different things in the area along the way.
We need a vacation! My husband and I have been married for 3 years and have never had a honeymoon vacation because we couldn’t afford one. We also started our family right away and were blessed with 2 children a boy (2 years) and a girl (15 months). Since we have been married and have had our children we have not been on one vacation other than visiting family locally because we couldn’t afford one and couldn’t find the time with 2 little children. This would be such an amazing opportunity and I would love to actually take a nice vacation with my family!
my dream family vacation is actually a cruise to the bahamas… my son loves boats & i wanna take him on one one day!!
Here is my story please vote for me if you can thanks!
My dad liked to take us on trips all over the west coast to go skiing, we’d go all over California and then up to Oregon, Idaho, Washington. Usually we would travel in a big van, and would stop at rest stops along the way for a nap. This one time it was late at night and we were in Idaho, someone came along and was shaking the van from side to side. I was petrified. I sat there and eventually they went away. I never really knew if it was a group of kids or what….but it was scary.
My family would love to go to Disney World and the Beach! I have been fighting breast cancer for the last 5 years, and have been undergoing chemotherapy treatments weekly for the past 14 months, and 6 more months to go. On two seperate occasions we have had to cancel a trip to Disneyland and a week at the beach, because of my health. My 3 kids ages 10, 8 and 5 are troopers, they we’re disappointed, but all they really care about is for Mommy to get well. We look forward to someday taking a family vacation that we will never forget!!
Thanks for the giveway opportunity!
Thanks for the giveaway! I entered and said Japan, although I can’t spell or pronounce the city lol!
I would love to go to Hawaii!
Please read my story and vote for me! Our family has not taken a vacation in over 3 years (and before that all we ever took were weekend trips somewhere usually within 3 hours or so from home where we could stay with family). My daughter had cancer when she was 10 (1in 1996) and she is now 25 – 3 years ago she got sick again and the rest is in the story. We don’t even allow ourselves to “DREAM” about things like vacations because we know it is not possible and we are tired of hoping for things that never come true. We are struggling to not lose everything we have and to top it off I lost my job almost 2 years ago due to having to take care of her – she is now on total disability and having 5-6 seizures a day and is re-learning to walk. Here is the link to the story on FB –!/posted.php?id=100000809266170&success
Vote for me! Read my story: My husband, daughter and I traveled to Los Angeles, California last summer for our family vacation. We took our rental on a..
I would love to go to Maui. Mark has gone several times, but I’ve never been there. We’ve tried three times though – once I got sick, next he was hospitalized, and the last time we were flying stand-by and only my luggage actually made it there! i will eventually get there…
Please vote for me by clicking on this link:
Thank you in advance! :)
i love the beach. i would love to go to galveston or corpus christi.
Single mom of two and the only vacation we have ever been on was a drive to visit family mean while received a phone call a tornado took place in our home town and on our way home the car broke down.
Thanks for bringing this contest to my attention! I entered my story here:
While we were vacationing this summer, my husband got sick, and for several hours, we (and the hospital staff) thought he was having a heart attack. It turned out, thankfully, to be not as serious (some kind of infection causing swelling around the heart), but it was a scary way for our family to end vacation!
I’d love your votes!
a great vacation would be all my kids and grandkids together and I do not have to cook !!!!!
Please help me out by voting on my Vacation Story…
Short Version: I was on a plane in the middle of a storm and we could have CRASHED!
Much appreciated. I can return votes for other contests as well if you need help! =0)
Disney Disney Disney
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to Ireland!!! If not then second and third would be Scottland and Australia respectively.
heres my link…
Thousand Oaks, California. WE are from MN and it is already chilly here, needing the heat.
I would love to take our family to Florida. I have a new nephew and some not so new nieces and nephews that I’d like to see as well as my mom.
Sigh…a trip to Italy would be lovely! :)