Is your computer beeping at you? How to turn off the Facebook Notification Sound

Facebook NotificationsMy computer recently started making a new beeping noise. I thought that either my computer was on the verge of self-destructing, or I was going crazy. I had no idea where this noise was coming from until one day I was on Facebook and it happened at the same time a notification window appeared within Facebook at the bottom left-hand corner of my screen.

It turns out that Facebook […]

984 total views

By |2013-06-28T20:33:25-05:00January 28, 2013 11:28 am|Categories: Blog, Money|Tags: |4 Comments

Bloggers: Are giveaways worth hosting?

GiveawaysAs a blogger hosting a giveaway, you get to award a great prize to one of your readers. Is it worth your time to set-up, promote, and award the prize? I think that no matter how big of a prize it is, it’s important to remember that only one of your readers will win it. So a good question to ask is: How will many of my readers benefit from […]

1382 total views

By |2012-09-25T12:21:41-05:00September 25, 2012 1:30 pm|Categories: Blog, Money|11 Comments

The Truth About Why Retailers Dislike Frugal Bloggers

Freebies 4 Mom

Frequently Asked Question: Why do some retailers dislike Frugal Bloggers?

I’ve been asking myself this question a lot lately – and I hear other bloggers asking it too. I’d like to share my opinion with you (and I’d love to hear yours too!).

Frugal Bloggers write to help their readers save money. Retailers don’t always like the help that Frugal Bloggers give their readers. It’s a […]

888 total views

By |2013-05-19T19:32:52-05:00March 9, 2012 10:22 am|Categories: Blog, Money|Tags: |28 Comments

Bloggers: Think Twice About Blogger vs. Blogger Contests

CarrotChances are you won’t win, and then you just spent time writing and promoting something that may not be your normal content, or something you’re not passionate about. Many companies are sponsoring contests that pit bloggers against bloggers in order to dangle a really big carrot in front of the bloggers as motivation while drawing upon our natural competitive spirit. But what I’ve seen happen to other bloggers is that […]

1266 total views

By |2013-06-28T20:38:54-05:00January 17, 2012 12:05 pm|Categories: Blog, Money|11 Comments

Bloggers: Your Time Is Valuable

I wanted to share a lesson I learned from my blogging experiences of 2012: Your time is valuable, so spend it on what you’re passionate about sharing.

It’s difficult to remember this when there is so much pressure from others to host a giveaway, share a deal, write a sponsored post, and promote an affiliate. I’m not the only blogger who is learning this lesson and sharing it. Bobbie […]

775 total views

By |2012-01-02T09:40:43-06:00January 2, 2012 9:57 am|Categories: Blog, Money|9 Comments
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