Play the new Nature Made Casino D Instant Win sweepstakes and everyone wins a free 4-day sample of Chewable Vitamin D on their first entry.  You should receive your sample (and a $1 coupon too) within 4 to 6 weeks.  There aren’t enough prizes for me to add this to my Daily Sweeps 4 Mom list but I wanted everyone to get another Vitamin D sample!  Thanks goes to Melissa for sharing this new free sample on the Freebies 4 Mom Facebook page.

I also love the Nature Made Wellness Rewards program – a great way to get high-value coupons! I use the coupons to buy my Nature Made vitamins when they are on sale for “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” at CVS or Kroger.

Update 8/30/10: Got my sample plus a coupon to Save $1 on Nature Made Vitamin D Chewable (expires 9/30/10)

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